Sure, we love a good reality romp. And sure, Bravo's Southern Charm serves up more than a decent helping of drama (with a side of sweet tea and everything). But we couldn't have made it through this season's tumultuous Thomas and Kathryn/Kathryn and Whitney/Shep and Kathryn/Kathryn and Craig drama (sensing a pattern here?) without the clarity and honest wisdom of Southern Charm's Cameran Eubanks.
Sadly, the final episode of Southern Charm aired Monday night (thankfully, Sir Andy Cohen has commissioned a reunion special next week) and that means our time with everyone's favorite serial reality star is coming to a close. Lucky for us, before Cameran leaves us for an undetermined amount of time between now and the hopefully inevitable Season 2 premiere — come on, Bravo knows they've got a charm here — she gave us one last dose of that lovely Cameran wisdom.
She got lifelong bachelor Whitney out of his mommy dearest's house and into a bachelor pad of his own (even if did have furniture "bought at Home Depot... on a sale"), assured us she's exactly the independent Southern lady we thought she was, and gave us that all important perspective on Thomas and Kathryn's crazy relationship on her drive back from Shep's cabin. Cameran's sassy commentary has been the only thing getting us through the Thomas and Kathryn saga, what would we do if Season 2 ever rolls around and we're left to deal with the birth of Kathryn and Thomas' child without Cameran's calming, hilarious commentary? We'd lose our God-loving minds, that's what.
The problem is that, since Cameran is so above the drama (and considering she just got married), it seems rather possible that she'd say "no thanks" to a second helping of all this nonsense — especially if it involves more of Kathryn's romantic drama. But if Southern Charm's show does go on, Bravo, make sure you don't take it on the road without its very special ingredient.
Image: Bravo