And the Movie of the Year is...
In a dramatic upset, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire has beat award darling 12 Years a Slave for the MTV Movie of the Year award. This rounds out an awards season where Steve McQueen's powerful film swept a total of seven awards, from Best Motion Picture at the Oscars to Best Motion Picture - Drama at the Golden Globes, while Catching Fire only won this solitary bucket of golden popcorn. Part of the problem may have been the nominations: usual awards suspects like 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street, had to contend with blockbuster movie series like The Hobbit and The Hunger Games. Among this mixed bag of nominees, it seems that the "me" generation has chosen Jennifer Lawrence over Lupita Nyongo, and frankly, it's disheartening.
Even though this may lead some to believe that millennials care more about Peeta's whining than a historically significant film about the horrors of slavery, it is possible that they simply chose the film that speaks more to their issues. For many, the popular Hunger Games book trilogy has reintroduced strong female characters to YA fiction, showing girls that they can be their own heroes. Even though this is important, the groundbreaking work in 12 Years A Slave probably deserved another award, since we're not going to see 12 Years A Slave 3: Mockingjay.