Bob Saget Vs. 'Full House's Danny Tanner: Whose Philosophy on Life Is Better?
It's Danny Tanner! No, in fact, it's not at all. Bob Saget has a new book, Dirty Daddy: The Chronicles Of A Family Man Turned Filthy Comedian, in which he shares his tales from his Full House days, like changing Mary Kate and Ashley's diapers on set. He also sets out dispel any myths that he and Danny Tanner, the cleanest father ever, have any similarities.
If you know a thing or two about the comedian, (who was also the voiceover of the dad on How I Met Your Mother — RIP), you know he's actually the opposite of Danny Tanner — in fact, he's an rated-R comedian. We know he's a raunchy guy and that he means well, but when you juxtapose he and Danny, well... it's kinda jarring.
Here's all the proof you need that the two are not one and the same. (Also: Full House nostalgia alert!)
Danny Tanner's Family Views
“You’ve got Michelle and you have your Uncle Jesse and Joey. DJ, we’re still a family and right now is when we really need to stick together. So it’s up to you: either you move back into the house or all five of us are moving into the garage, but nothing is going to break up this team.”
Image: ABC
Bob Saget's Family Views
My wife is a saint. She’s Gandhi. She walks around in diapers and won’t eat.
How Danny Tanner Gets Rough
“You watch Wake Up San Francisco because it’s nice, and easy. Well this morning, I had a little too much coffee, so we’re gonna do it nice… and rough. ”
Image: ABC
How Bob Saget Thinks Everyone Else Gets Rough
On New Years’, he tweeted: “[…]please do not put firecrackers in your butts unsupervised.”
Danny Tanner, On Who His Daughters Shouldn't Date
Danny said to DJ: “I’m not telling you who to date, I’m-I’m telling you who not to date.”
Image: ABC
Saget Will Date, Well, Joy
Around Christmas time, he tweeted: “This season, I’m just looking for joy. Does anybody have her number?” Badumcchh.
Just A Confused Danny Tanner Moment About His Hands
He was confused when he said, ”I don’t know why… I don’t know why… I don’t know why I’m wagging my finger at you like this.”
Image: ABC
Just A Confused Saget Moment About His Hands
He tweeted, ”By a show of hands, who masterbated [sic] today?”
Danny Tanner's Animal Thoughts
He said: “Before it can soar like an eagle, the young baby bird must stumble and fall.”
Image: ABC
Saget's Animal Thoughts
Bob Saget thinks about animals, too: ”When you love someone, set them free. But I love my goat SO damn much.”
Danny Tanner's Thoughts On Kids
Our favorite TV dad once said, “Well, just remember when children seem the least loveable, it means they need love the most.”
Image: ABC
Saget's Thoughts On Kids
He tweeted something that Danny Tanner would never say: “The secret to raising children is to love them… And teach them to operate in a way you can tolerate them the best.”
Danny Tanner Was A Clean Freak
“A as in AJax!” He lived by the rule of, “clean is good, dirty is bad.” This cleanliness philosophy lent itself to his sense of humor, too, which was squeaky clean.
Image: ABC
Saget's A "Dirty Daddy"
Look no further than the title of his new book. While there’s no way to gauge his actual cleaning habits, it’s obvious he’s aware that his public persona does not reek of anything close to Clorox.