How Much Money Do Peggy & Joan Make?

Mad Men may be named after its men, but more often than not, we're focused on the series' fantastic women. Fact: Peggy and Joan from AMC's Mad Men deserve all of the money in the world for their talent (and for having to put up with the men in the office). And because they both know that, they have successfully worked their way up the food chain at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce — now just Sterling Cooper & Partners — and each have more than a pretty penny to show for it.
At last count, both of the leading ladies are making a lot of money. In the episode titled "The Other Woman," it's revealed that Peggy (Elisabeth Moss) is making $19,000 for her position as a copywriter. Thanks to the Bureau of Labor Statistic's handy-dandy CPI Inflation Calculator, we know that amount of money is equal to $133,558.05 by 2014's standards. You guys, that's a lot of money considering the average salary for a senior copywriter in Manhattan today is $90,000. Go, Peggy!
As for Joan (Christina Hendricks), it's a little iffy when it comes to her current salary in the show, especially since she's become a non-silent partner and has a five percent stake in the company; however, we do know she turned down $50,000 ($337,329.02 by today's standards) in favor of the five percent, so she's doing pretty well for herself, financially.
So what about the cost of other products from the '60s? What if Peggy or Joan needed a new tube of lipstick or wanted to buy a movie ticket? Well, take a look at what some of the products from 1967 cost:
Gallon of milk: 95 cents
Roger likes his milk with a little something extra.
One dozen eggs: 53 cents
Oh, how people in the '60s loved their deviled eggs.
One-ounce Hershey bar: 5 cents
(This bar is bigger than a one-ounce bar.)
Six-pack of Pepsi: 59 cents
Eh, we know the characters from Mad Men prefer Coke.
Can of hairspray: 47 cents
Something's got to make it stick.
Revlon lipstick: $1.25
Work it, Peg.
Movie Ticket: $1.20
If only we were all paying $1.20 for a ticket. Then maybe everyone would have seen all the Oscar movies this year.
Six-pack of beer: 99 cents
As if. Beer is so uncouth.
Images: AMC