What Your Binge-Watching Choices Say About You

Which TV show do you turn to for a good marathon sesh after a long, tedious day of living in the real world? Your "Recently Watched" selections on Netflix may say more about your current emotional state than you'd care to admit. After all, what TV we choose to binge-watch reveals more than just whether we prefer sitcoms or hour-long dramas. What does it mean if you press play on New Girl instead of Mad Men at the end of the day?
Without further ado, here's what your binge-watch television show of choice says about the state of your life.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
You want to feel better about how mean you were today.
How I Met Your Mother
You're still in denial about your relationship going south.
Grey's Anatomy
You refer to your friends as "my people" and think rom-coms are a legitimate movie genre.
You're a strong woman ... who's nostalgic for the days when Grey's Anatomy was still good.
New Girl
You need more guy friends.
Gossip Girl
You have never once been to New York City.
Orange is the New Black
You feel bad that you didn't sign a Change.org petition today.
Real Housewives of Any City
You hate-read articles on the Internet in the name of staying "informed about pop culture."
30 Rock
You consider "night cheese" a legitimate meal.
Twin Peaks
You blame your hometown for all of your neuroses.
Game of Thrones
You're feeling horny, but you've never figured out how to find the right porn.
Breaking Bad
You don't like feeling left out.
You actually live in NYC, and you want to feel superior about it. You also own at least one non-functional typewriter.
Parks and Recreation
You care about close female friendships above all else.
House of Cards
You ran out of episodes of Scandal.
Friday Night Lights
You're newly single and in desperate need of fresh eye-candy.
The L Word
If you're straight and single, you're going through your 'maybe I'm a lesbian' phase.
Sex and The City
You're feeling nostalgic for high school.
Freaks and Geeks
You have impeccable taste, and you don't care who knows it.
Adventure Time
You're stoned.
The Wire
You want to think about what matters.
Mad Men
You want to think about what matters ... but not too hard.
Image: FOX