Tamera Mowry Was A Virgin Until 29: What Other Stars Have Discussed Their V-Cards?
During a recent segment of her Hot 97.1 radio show The Real, the current reality and former Sister, Sister star revealed that she remained a virgin until she was 29. After losing her virginity to then-boyfriend Adam Housley, she decided to wait until they were married (six years later) to have sex again, at 35. Mowry isn't the first celebrity to openly discuss her virginity — here are a few others who let the public into their private lives.
Tamera Mowry
During a recent segment of her Hot 97.1 radio show The Real, the current reality and former Sister, Sister star revealed that she remained a virgin until she was 29. After losing her virginity to then-boyfriend Adam Housley, she decided to wait until they were married (six years later) to have sex again, at 35. Mowry isn't the first celebrity to openly discuss her virginity — here are a few others who let the public into their private lives.
Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears
The ultimate twosome of the early 2000s has to be included as a couple because they both openly discussed their sex life — or lack thereof. When Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were dating, they were very vocal about remaining virgins. Since he's moved on from his corn-rowed NSYNC days, Timberlake admitted that they were lying. His most notable confession came in a classic Saturday Night Live sketch, when his soothsaying "great, great grandfather" talks about the future Timberlake and Spears saying, "publicly they'll claim to be virgins but privately, he hit it."
Jessica Simpson
Back in the early 2000s, Simpson was always behind Britney Spears. She wasn't as famous, and didn't even make the cut as her rival — that went to Christina Aguilera. So how did the young Simpson make her mark on the pop world? By constantly, constantly talking about being a virgin. She was very public about having made a vow to her dad to remain a virgin until marriage, and famously kept that promise until she married Nick Lachey in 2002. After that, unfortunately, her hook became being dumb, all thanks to a can of chicken tuna.
The Jonas Brothers
Remember when Disney stars had to talk about being virgins all the time? At one point even Miley Cyrus was rocking a purity ring, but she never seemed as committed to it as the Jonas Brothers. At the beginning of their fame, Kevin, Joe and Nick all wore purity rings. Ultimately, the only JoBro to keep the promise was Kevin, who remained a virgin until marrying Danielle Delease in 2009. Kevin didn't shy away from talking about sex once he'd done it either, telling Bliss Magazine, "Sex was not worth the wait. After we did it, I was kind of like, that's it?" Funny, that's how we felt about Married to Jonas.
Tina Fey
Though not one to talk about her private life very often, after being shown an article she was included in, Fey told David Letterman that she was a virgin until 24. She also clarifies that at the time, it wasn't a choice, saying "I couldn't give it away." When Fey did lose her virginity, it was to the man who would later become her husband, Jeff Richmond. When Letterman assures her that it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Fey jokingly responds with, "that's just good Christian values ... or being homely."
Tim Tebow
Tebow is definitely open when it comes to his strong commitment to his faith, but some reporters at a 2009 press conference were surprised to learn that the football player was a virgin. He also said that he is saving himself for marriage, and since he's still single, the 25-year-old is presumably still sex-free.