Kirsten Dunst's Shocking Views on Gender Roles Are Disappointing, To Say the Least
Ugh, say it isn't so, Kirsten Dunst! The Two Faces of January actress was recently interviewed for a spread in Harper's Bazaar . in the magazine, she opened up about her feelings on the roles of men and women in relationships and society. Her response is a far cry from the recent feminist discussions brought up by her peers like Cate Blanchett, Keira Knightly, and Kristen Bell. Unlike these outspoken role models, Dunst's opinion on gender is utterly groan-inducing.
She commented, "I feel like the feminine has been a little undervalued... We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking – it’s a valuable thing my mom created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armor. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work."
Um, no, nope, nuh-uh, that is most certainly NOT why relationships work. It's a very tired notion that's sadly being espoused from respected actors like Dunst as well as some pretty horrifying reality TV stars. And, it's a surprising comment coming from an actor whose many roles have featured a catalog of strong-minded and powerful women.
Here's a look at some of Dunst's characters who have a way more important message about women, men, gender, and relationships. Take a look.
“Men see things in a box, and women see them in a round room.”
“I still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but I know that there’s something beautiful in my imperfections.”
'Bring it On'
“I’m strong and I’m loud, I’m gonna make you proud, I’m T-T-T-Torrance, Your captain Torrance!”
Image: UProxx
“You can’t let dick control your life.”
Image: Dick/Columbia PIctures
'Little Women'
“We’ll all grow up one day, Meg. We might as well know what we want.”
Image: Little Women/Columbia Pictures