How To Become The Hostess With The Most-ess

Everyone loves a party. Right?
Well, sure, but the level of excitement might depend on who you’re asking. As a hostess, whether you’re throwing a large family celebration or a more simple gathering for a monthly book club, you want your guests to have a good time and be at ease inside your home. Of course, that means there's careful planning and preparation to consider, which can certainly put a damper on your excitement levels. Alternatively, as a guest, you are simply expected to show up.
Sometimes, as hosts, we can get so caught up in throwing the perfect soirée — and attempting to impress others while we’re at it—that we forget to interact with our guests and simply have fun. Yes, entertaining at your home can be stressful, and different kinds of parties take varying levels of effort. But don’t let that dreaded feeling stop you from inviting people over. You don’t need to devote hours of planning and preparing to host the perfect gathering. To ensure that hosting a get-together is more 'party' than 'party planning,' we partnered with DIGIORNO® Pizza to help you set up ahead of time so you later you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your company.
Here are seven tips to ensure you are the hostess with the most-ess at your next party.
1. Clean Beforehand
Whether you divide up vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and the like over a day, three days or a week, the key takeaway is that you get it all done before the day of your party. When the day comes, set aside just a short amount of time to quickly tidy up public areas while waiting for your guests to arrive. Helpful hint: Don’t neglect your bathroom. Every attendee likely will use it at least once. Wash your hand towels ahead of time so you can restock right before your family or friends walk through your door.
2. DIY Decorations
Whether it’s subtle decor or a DIY hack, decorations add a little flair. Sometimes all it takes is a flower arrangement or a lit candle to spruce up a room. Browse Pinterest for other ideas. Maybe you’ll find a unique napkin-folding style, or directions for making dyed paper doilies to match your theme. For bonus points, choose a decoration you can re-use at a future gathering.
3. Serve A Main Drink
Instead of spending lots of money to offer a variety of beverages, pick a staple drink for the main event. Avoid bartending the entire time by placing the ingredients and printed out directions on a table, so guests can serve themselves. Perhaps you can choose a recipe that goes along with the theme, like a tropical cocktail for a Hawaiian birthday party, or with the season, such as spiked apple cider for the fall.
4. Serve Piping Hot And Crispy DIGIORNO® Pizza
Food that requires elaborate preparation and cooking could leave you alone in the kitchen while your guests mingle together in another room. The meal doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple with a DIGIORNO® Pizza (or two!). It’s delicious and easy to bake in your own oven. Plus, with a variety of options like Rising Crust Supreme, Pizzeria! Primo Pepperoni, and Stuffed Crust Five Cheese, there's a crust and topping to satisfy every one of your guests!
5. Ask For Help
Just because you made the initial invite, doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. Ask your guests to chip in by bringing an appetizer or dessert. You don’t necessarily have to tell them exactly what to cook or purchase; instead, guide them with a particular part of the meal.
6. Create A Playlist
Whether you’re hosting a girls’ night or holiday bash, consider creating a music playlist ahead of time. You don’t need to go crazy including every genre in your selections, nor do you need expensive speakers to blast the tunes. But fill the void with something to provide background noise so the guests feel more comfortable, especially during those first few awkward moments upon their arrival.
7. Use Disposable Plates, Utensils, Cups And Napkins
When your guests leave, you’ll want to just sit down on the couch, kick your feet up and indulge in another piece of pizza or drink...or maybe even immediately go to sleep out of exhaustion. To allow for this, put all of your glasses and dishes away in cabinets and instead use disposable plates, cutlery, cups and napkins. You can always spruce up the décor with colored or patterned plates and matching utensils, napkins and cups. After all, the best ending to a good party is an easy clean up!
This post is sponsored by DIGIORNO® Pizza which helps you rise to the occasion, whatever it may be.
Images: Offset (main image); Pexels (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7); DIGIORNO® Pizza (4)