How To Enjoy The Winter According To Your Sign

Right about now, which winter activity based on your zodiac sign you should think about doing in the near future may actually be the furthest thing from your mind. After all, it takes a special kind of person to look forward to the months between December and March. The weather is usually cold, wet, and grey; the days are short; and the air is dry. Bundling up in layers of scarves, hats, gloves and coats just to leave the house can put anyone in a bad mood — so if winter isn’t your jam, I hear you. You may be tempted to spend the next couple months wrapped in a blanket streaming TV, but as we head into this chilliest of seasons, maybe it’s time for a little attitude adjustment. Instead of hibernating this year, we can lean into winter and feel all its shivery joy. Trust me! It’s going to be awesome!
When you really stop to think about it, winter has so much to offer. Now is the time to attempt some awesome winter sports, play in the snow, and drink all the hot cocoa and apple cider you can get your hands on. Yes, it’s cold (unless you live on the West Coast, in which case, I hate you), and yes, these activities are all — let's face it — kind of cliche; no matter who you are, though, there is a special way you can enjoy the season. How do you find your perfect cold weather activity and make the most of winter? Let's turn to the wisdom of the stars and see what this season has to offer for your astrological sign:
You enjoy helping others and bonding with friends, so consider giving back this season. Appease your humanitarian streak by getting together a group of pals and organizing a coat drive. Who says you have to wait for spring cleaning to go through your closet and see what you can donate? Winter doesn’t feel cold or lonely if you volunteer your time at a soup kitchen or find a cause that you’re passionate about, and you won’t have time to be bored during the cold months.
It’s the perfect time of year to go record shopping and hunt down some classic vinyl. Take your treasures home and snuggle under the covers listening to your new tunes. Pisces enjoy their alone time and are highly musical, so listening to records while the snow falls gently outside may be just what the proverbial doctor ordered.
You’re a ball of energy and hate nothing more than being cooped up inside, so what are you waiting for? Book a trip to the nearest mountain and satisfy your need for speed by learning how to ski or snowboard. Soon you’ll be off the bunny hills, and racing with the best of them. Not only is the gear cool, but just think of the hot tub or sauna you get to enjoy after a long day on the slopes.
You work hard, and after a long day of being everyone’s right-hand person, it’s important to practice self-care. This winter, treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath. Let the hot water loosen up those muscles, and breath in the scents of relaxing lavender or stress-relieving pine. Be sure to have a fluffy robe and some warm slippers waiting for you to complete the experience.
You are quite the social butterfly and always ready for fun, so don’t let the dropping temperatures slow you down. Call up some friends and head to your nearest rink for some ice skating. You don’t have to be doing triple axels around the rink to have a roaring good time; all it takes is being bold enough to strap on those skates and put yourself out there. You like challenging yourself, and this nostalgic activity will really help you get into the spirit of winter.
Instead of getting crabby when the weather turns cold, have some fun by organizing a board game night. A lone wolf you are not, so reach out to a few friends, set out some snacks, and let the games begin! A board game night can be a cozy good time and bring back all kinds of warm childhood memories — not that you have to play games for kids. Who knows? You and your pals may have so much fun that it turns into a weekly occurrence.
You love to have a good time and enjoy life, so make sure you get a boost of vitamin D before spring arrives. Plan a trip (preferably to a tropical locale, if time and budget allows) and relax on a beach somewhere. Don’t feel guilty about leaving work, and taking some “me” time. You know you have to use up those vacation days somehow.
Every now and then we all need some good escapism, especially the analytical Virgo. This winter, grab a wooly blanket and spend your evening snuggled up with some hot cocoa and a good book. Let the prose transport you far, far away, and let all that winter anxiety go. You can always put back on your analytical hat when discussing the book with friends.
You love being one with nature — even when it’s below freezing. To make the most of this chilly season, venture into the great outdoors and build a snow fort or a snowperson. Libras enjoy doing collaborative activities and working alongside others in harmony. Gather a few pals and create an amazing snowscape; then afterwards, be sure to reward yourselves with a mugs of hot tea. (Or something stronger. No judgment.)
Up for a challenge this winter? Of course you are. Staying cooped up inside just isn’t your jam, Scorpio, so take advantage of the weather and start an adrenaline-fueled snowball fight. You’re brave and resourceful, and your natural leadership skills will surely lead you to victory no matter how icy the day. If you can’t find anyone to launch snowballs at, might I also suggest a New Year’s Day polar bear plunge? That’ll get your heart racing!
You’re an extrovert who loves to try new things, so if the weather outside is frightful, throw a raging party at your place! Polish up your bartending skills by experimenting with some warm winter cocktails. Whether you choose to brew mulled wine, hot buttered rum, hot toddies, or some spiked cider, the toasty spices will fill your house with the most delicious scents, making all your guests’ mouths water.
You can sometimes forget to have fun during the winter months, and bury yourself at work. While this is partly what makes you so darn successful, you don’t want to spend your entire winter in the office and hibernating with Netflix. Remember to enjoy the season this year by doing something lighthearted, like catching a snowflake on your tongue or making a snow angel. Try not to laugh to hard, oh serious one; it may be childish, but these little fun things will keep you truckin’ through to spring.
Happy winter to all, and to all a good night!
Images: Pexels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13), Pixabay (6, 10)