Need 'Twin Peaks' Resolution? It Might Be Here

If there's one thing we should all be learning from the modern fusion of the entertainment world and the Internet, it's that nothing good dies forever. Not everyone will get a Kickstartered follow-up film, no — but with the vast influence of fandom and the magic of transmedia creativity, sometimes the gold can stay. Take the most recent cult show as an example: Twin Peaks has found a third season through Twitter.
Now, don't go ringing up David Lynch or Mark Frost just yet: Neither he nor anyone else officially involved in the original run of Twin Peaks is involved in this. This isn't Lynch's consolation prize because that rumor surrounding new Twin Peaks footage turned out to be false. What it is, though, is a beautiful showcase of fandom at work, and of the capabilities of mediums like Twitter to harbor experimental fiction.
This particular foray into Twitter storytelling is centered at the handle @EnterTheLodge, though it stretches out to 50+ Twin Peaks character accounts, telling the story of an imagined Season 3 for the series. They've just started the journey, but if you'd like to catch up on what's gone on so far you can do so through their Storify archive.
This is hardly the first unofficial foray an existing story that has been taken into the Twitter medium — The Lizzie Bennet Diaries used Twitter as a transmedia extension to their core Pride & Prejudice-inspired web series, and satirical Twitters like Sex and the City 3 and Modern Seinfeld meld the tropes of their namesake popular shows with current cultural conversations.
This one, though, stands neither as an official addition to an existing adaptation or, really, as satire. It's made use of social media's transmedia capabilities to create a sort of postmodern fan fiction accessible even to those who don't haunt Archive Of Our Own.
They've got more than 15,000 tweets so far, and by all accounts they're just getting started. So if you were looking for some kind of resolution, look no further.
Image: ABC