You Must Watch The 'GoT' Honest Trailer

Now THAT's what I call epic. In the ultimate gem of the day, here is the Honest Trailer for Game of Thrones . It epitomizes what the show actually is — you know, a bloodbath with a lot of nudity and Justin Bieber! I mean, Joffrey Bieber. I mean, Joffrey. Anyway.
It excellently (and honestly, may we add) says what the show is — that it's scripted by "serial killer George R. R. Martin," and that it's a mix of "history, Dungeons & Dragons, and porn." And it's true! The show is a blood bath, and, let's a face it, a little on the brink of medieval porn. Not to mention, it's heaven for us nerds. (Unite!)
It's five minutes, but it's well worth watching the entire thing (c'mon, you watch the 56 minute versions of the actual show, so I think you can handle this), particularly when the trailer gets into how anyone related to Sean Bean (Ned Stark, RIP!) on the show dies. (THINK ABOUT IT.)
Oh, yeah — there are spoilers in the trailer for Season 1 through Season 3, but with Season 4 arriving in LESS THAN A WEEK, these aren't spoilers anymore, people! It's not a spoiler if it happened a year ago! SPOILER ALERT: ROBB STARK HAS BEEN DEAD SINCE LAST JUNE... or whatever the equivalent in Medieval times is.
(Side note: someone said to me recently that "it's not a spoiler. It's called reading the books.")
Anyway, there's a spoiler-free version if you like Game of Thrones humor but for some reason haven't finished watching the first three seasons. I recommend you do not leave your apartment for the next few days and binge watch.
Check out the hilarious, very honest trailer here.
Image: HBO