'Sex Tape' Trailer Will Make You Burn Your iPad

This summer, you're going to want to re-think how you handle your electronics. If you watch the red-band trailer for Sex Tape , you'll totally understand why. Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz star in this comedy about what happens when you don't understand the Cloud. Has technology ever been more terrifying?
The trailer follows Annie (Diaz) and Jay (Segel), a married couple who is seeking to bring the excitement back into their sex life, since they've slid into a mundane routine. What's a married couple to do? Ah, technology can help! Bring on the iPads!
The two make a sex tape that involves Diaz on roller blades for a moment and is apparently three hours long (which is as long as Lincoln, as someone points out later in the trailer).
But oh, technology. How you never cease to impress us since we never quite understand just how much you power you hold over us. In a major Cloud faux pas, the sex tape Annie and Jay make syncs up to ALL OF THE iPADS THEY GAVE AS GIFTS. On another note, if they give iPads as gifts to everyone — including their mailman — as gifts —just how wealthy are these folks?
Apparently, not wealthy enough, because even money can't save the day and insanity ensues as the two begin their misadventures to DESTROY ALL OF THE iPADS.
Check your Cloud settings, folks, and check out the trailer below. (BTW — it's NSFW, as there's liberal language use, and, you know, it's about a sex tape.)
Image: Sony Pictures