12 Sites Every Reader Needs To Bookmark

If you’re a true lover of literature, chances are your obsession doesn’t stop with all those books stacked on your shelves. A real bibliophile knows her way around book clubs and book podcasts, book-minded social media platforms (aka: Goodreads) and, of course, the best sites for book lovers. After all, the only thing we readers love more than reading is talking (or, you know, blogging) about what we’re reading. For book lovers, the internet is basically just one giant virtual coffee shop, where we can meet with fellow readers from all over the world and banter back and forth about which Brontë sister we love most, which dystopic YA-series is our secret guilty pleasure, if Infinite Jest really is worth reading through all 1,079 tiny-fonted pages, and whether or not Hufflepuff actually is the sincerest of all the Hogwarts houses. Book blogs are also the perfect place to discover your next great read, in case you’re on the prowl for one.
If you’re a reader looking to up your book-loving game, then definitely get ready to fill your web browser’s bookmark bar with some brand-new pages — or better yet, just make yourself a “book blogs” folder — because here are 12 book sites that readers need to bookmark immediately.
1. Literary Hub
I’m completely obsessed with Literary Hub — and whether you want to hear from them daily, weekly, or just stop by whenever you feel like it, their mission is to collect the best of the best bookish editorials from all over the internet, saving you tons of time otherwise spent browsing aimlessly (and giving you your daily line-up of all things Tweet-able.) Their original content is pretty great too.
2. Book Riot
The editors at Book Riot “think you can like both J.K. Rowling and J.M. Coetzee” — and I love them for that. Offering readers tons of diverse book-minded content: news, reviews, listicles, and more, that is fun, conversational, and intelligent, you’ll have no question that the writers at Book Riot love literature just as much as you do.
3. Public Books
"Dedicated to bringing cutting-edge scholarly ideas to a curious public" Public Books offers readers one-of-a-kind content that blends reading, writing, and art with activism — making space for the diverse voices we need to keep hearing more of. Their writing is unique, edgy, timely, risky, and filled with some really great book-loving, world-changing energy.
4. Electric Literature
Literary nonprofit Electric Literature offers readers a wide array of content beyond their coverage of books — but their book content is definitely something to pay attention to. Combining book lists with traditional reviews, this site is dedicated to building a great digital community of readers and writers.
5. The Millions
The Millions was one of the first online magazine I ever subscribed to (partly because they’ve been around FOREVER, at least in internet-time.) They covering books, art, and culture — but let's be honest, their books and reviews section is totally going to be your favorite. Their lineup of guest writers is killer, includes faves like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jonathan Safran Foer, Roxane Gay, Susan Orlean, Hannah Pittard, Gary Shteyngart — and the list goes on and on and on.
6. Omnivoracious
The term omnivoracious means “excessively devouring or craving” — and in this case, excessively devouring or craving great digital book content. The website Omnivoracious is the official book blog of, keeping readers in-the-know regarding book news, reviews, author interviews, and more. Plus, they cover just about every genre you can think of.
7. Bookforum
Available both in print and online, Bookforum offers readers exactly what their name suggests: a forum for sharing intelligent and artful book reviews and essays. They’ve got a slightly-offbeat, somewhat-subversive vibe, so they're a great place to hear about all the books that might not hit your radar otherwise.
8. Bookalicious Babe
Bookalicious Babe’s first words to you will be: “I’m a voracious reader who feels crabby and cross if I can’t read at least once a day.” So, we’ve all found our soulmate here. This book lover posts regular content, and her blog is a great go-to for reading recs and reviews, especially on those days when your own book club BFFs aren’t available.
9. Page-Turner
Page-Turner is the official book blog of The New Yorker, so you know you’re going to find amazing, intelligent content here. Page-Turner focuses both on books and on the writing life, offering thoughtful and opinionated articles on everything from literature and publishing to the craft of writing itself.
10. The IndieView
In an industry where self-published authors still have to fight to get reviewed and read, The IndieView brings together almost 350 book reviewers who cover self-published e-books from all over the world, written by writers working across all genres.
11. The Rumpus
The Rumpus describes themselves as: "a place to read, on the Internet," which is perfect, because that's basically what you’re there for. In addition to hosting monthly, mail-order book clubs (in either poetry or prose) The Rumpus also publishes author chats and book reviews.
12. Huffington Post Books
Another online news source with a killer books section, you can get lost in HuffPost Books for days. Filled with listicles, traditional reviews, and sneak peeks from upcoming titles, they're particularly great at covering books by women, for women, and about women. And they offer tons of other amazing book content too.
Images: Natdanai Pankong / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images; giphy(6)