
These Michelle/Biden Memes Are What You Need

by Melissa Cruz

In the country's post-election grief, one figure has risen above the rest to provide some much-needed comfort: Vice President Joe Biden. But it hasn't been rousing speeches or a call to arms that has calmed the masses. Instead, it's been the now-famous Biden-Obama memes that have added a bit of levity to the grief. In these memes, the current vice president devises schemes to make life just a little harder for President-elect Donald Trump once he enters the White House. But now there's a new type cropping up: the Michelle Obama-Biden memes, and unlike those with the president, Biden is getting a bit of help from the First Lady.

Some of the memes imagine Biden and First Lady Obama teaming up to foil Trump, while others pictures a brighter future: a 2020 presidential run with Obama and Biden on the ticket. Either way, having Michelle and Biden together for what may be the final meme of the presidency — and perhaps the final one before democracy gives its last, dying breath — is just what America needs right now to combat the post-election anxiety.

Here's a look at some of the best Michelle Obama-Biden memes.

A Perfect Pair

Or Maybe A Super Awkward (Awesome?) Love Triangle

Don't Give Us Away Too Much, Now

Just In Case He Doesn't Get The Hint

Hey, Whatever Scares Trump

Some Healthy Competition

Just Blame Michelle...

Maybe Just For A Minute?

At least we got one good thing from this election: Biden-Michelle Obama memes.