The Dirtiest Netflix Releases This Holiday Season

As we turn a corner on true winter, there's a strong urge to curl up with Netflix and a few yuletide classics... or not. Maybe the Netflix part appeals, but you feel like keeping warm another way, and can't wait for the dirty movies coming to Netflix in December. Because what else makes the season bright than using your friend's dad's Netflix password to launch into somewhat explicit territory? It breaks up all the family-friendly fodder you're forced fed during the month. True to form, Netflix in bringing some new, slightly scandalous material in December... although there's no questioning that it's an eclectic mix.
Now, this time around, there isn't anything known for its stylish sexuality, although rest assured you can still stream Blue is the Warmest Color or several cuts and volumes of Nymphomaniac if you're feeling bold. Instead, you have a few brand spanking new films anchored by beautiful and naive protagonists, and your classic frat house deviance, if you're into that. Whatever your fancy, I've collected them all for your viewing pleasure.
So, without further delay, these are the dirtiest films that are coming to Netflix in December, and how they should satiate your cravings this season.
National Lampoon's Animal House
Unless you have the hots for John Belushi (R.I.P.), you probably won't be going to this one for sexual titillation. However, this is vintage raunch, and it should be experience at least once.
Black Snake Moan
Christina Ricci's character Rae is trouble, trouble, trouble, and ends up in her underwear, literally chained in Samuel L. Jackson's house. It's definitely an acquired taste, and is really recommended if you have a stomach for Tarantino-y things.
A struggling musicians ends up in an steamy affair with an older woman, one who's willing to help out financially during these trying times. This is more on the level of classy-dirty. Something about the Mrs. Robinson trope does that to a film.
White Girl
It's a film that follows a flaxen haired college student, who gets romantically tangled up with a small-time drug dealer, and spends a lot of the movie trying to get untangled from a mess that follows after his arrest. It got substantial comparisons to Harmony Korine's Kids when it comes out, which probably says a lot.
House Of Wax (2005)
Are you looking for something void of taste or artistic merit? Cool, this is the mid-2000s horror movie remake (if you can call it that) where Paris Hilton dies.
The Model
Think of it as a more stylish (literally stylish) alternative to White Girl, which has a burgeoning teen model falling into the glamorous world of exploitation and pool sex.
See? If you open your mind and expand your definition of the word dirty, you've got lots of options for what to watch this upcoming month. You're welcome, perverts.
Images: Filmrise