'Google Naps' Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

Even after you leave your bed, you don't have to give up on sleep. At least, that's the goal of goal of Google Naps, the laziest (and best) development in technology yet. Not to be confused with Google Maps, which has been helping the directionally challenged since 2005, Google Naps is not in fact Google sponsored. Instead, it's the work of Dutch marketers/pranksters Venour and Kakhiel, who are using crowdsourcing to find the best nap spots in your city. And you thought you couldn't get anything done before.
Google Naps utilizes Google Maps to find your location, and then shows you the best spots to catch some z's, as voted on by other denizens of the city. Once the tool has determined where you are, icons that show the "type of nap" and "why I should nap here" are readily accessible, with benches and fields being the most popular napping destinations in New York City (with the addition of a bridge).
Answers to "why should I nap here," always an important question, range from cheeky, "Because accounting is boring," to inviting, "Nice dry spot under the bridge with a great view of the city." Indeed, it seems that its users have really taken the Google Naps to heart, with some even offering up their office space to potential sleepyheads.
Jam Saxon, for one, says, "We've got couches at the offices on West 30th." Creepy? Maybe. Tempting? Definitely.
Google Naps already seems quite well populated, with the East Coast of the United States practically exploding with nice places to lay your head on a tough day.
Europe looks to be one big bed, based on the number of posted napping spots. Then again, there are also a few reported benches in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and when asked "Why should I nap here," the answer comes back an honest, "Help me somebody?"
Of course, no good fun ever comes without a bit of danger, and it seems that Venour and Kakhiel are a bit worried that they might invoke the wrath of the great Google legal team.
In fact, Google Naps comes with a warning...
Dear Sergey & Larry (and other Googlers) Hello, please don't be mad this is just a joke, a parody. We don't mean to damage your brand or anything, we just want to bring a smile on the faces of Google fans. So please don't take this to court, we only have a few hundred Euros in the bank.
With only a few hundred Euros in the bank, we're very glad that they chose to use their money for the greater good.
Images: Google Naps