The ‘Gilmore Girls’ Thanksgiving Teaser Is Here

Gobble, gobble, Gilmore Girls: The Thanksgiving-themed Gilmore Girls teaser is here, and along with it is food (three different kinds, in fact), Kirk, and some excited squealing from Rory over Jess. (I know, I'm freaking out too.)
"Did we order Chinese, Greek, and Italian food last night?" Lorelai asks in the opening. "And hot dogs," Rory chimes in. While the eating habits of a Gilmore Girl are forever one of the best parts of the show, this line is also entirely fitting for America's favorite "stuff your face" holiday, which also happens to be the night that Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life drops on Netflix (as all Black Friday shoppers know, midnight on Nov. 25 is still Thanksgiving). The trailer also shows Luke not wanting to make tater tots (evidence that he and Lorelai are happily together), as well as Kirk randomly joining Lorelai, Rory, and Emily for Friday night dinner. (I'm just as confused as Emily about that one.)
But there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment that features Rory jumping up and down and squealing with excitement, grabbing onto Jess' jacket lapels as Luke watches happily in the background. Now, we don't exactly know what it is that has Rory so pumped — the mere fact that she seems to be on good terms or maybe even something more with Jess does it for me — but one hint is that she's holding a stack of papers, which could mean good job news for her or Jess. (Didn't he end up being a writer?)
Of course, fans are hoping that Rory's excitement also stems from the fact that she is happily freaking out about Jess, which offers at least the tiniest glimmer of hope that these two end up together. (#TeamDean and #TeamLogan, get out of here.)
But, as every Gilmore feminist will point out, it shouldn't even matter who Rory ends up with romantically. After all, when you're an Ivy League-educated woman, have enviable relationships with just about everyone else in your life — and live in the idyllic, yet eccentric, small town of Stars Hollow, your life is pretty darn sweet to begin with. Former bad boy boyfriend or not.
Come to me, A Year in the Life! Just one more week to go...
Photo: Netflix