Who Got Slimed at The Kids Choice Awards?
Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards took place last night in an event that celebrated stars and green slime alike. In between handing out the orange blimp trophies to the winners, the audience got to watch famous people get pelted with slime cannons. What more can we ask for from TV viewing than that? So who won the blimps and who won the honor of being drenched in green? Click through to see the highlights.
Kaley Cuoco
Big Bang Theory didn’t win best TV show, and she got slimed. Rough night for Cuoco.
Favorite TV Actress
Ariana Grande proved that if you want to win something all you have to do is dress up like it. Her orange blimp award matched her neon dress almost exactly.
Favorite Female Singer
Selena Gomez picked up the honor, giving a heartfelt speech that almost made herself cry. “Thank you so much. This has been such an amazing year already for me and I just have to say that you guys have been the most loyal, dedicated people in my life, because you continuously, every year, bless me with the opportunity to do what I love, so thank you so much. You guys are awesome, and this is for you. So, thank you.”
Favorite Male Singer
Justin Timberlake didn’t show up to the awards but he snagged one of the great honors of the night for favorite male singer.
Austin Mahone and Cody Simpson
The audience was allowed to vote on which of the two singers should get slimed, but voted for both of them, so the two got slimed together. (It was almost satisfying enough to make up for Mahone’s song “Mmm Mmm Yeah Yeah” which basically glorifies catcalling.)
Favorite Music Group
As if anyone was surprised, kid fans of One Direction flooded the polls with their votes for the band. So 1D secured the win, even though they didn’t deign to actually show up to accept it.
Favorite Female Buttkicker and Favorite Movie Actress
Jennifer Lawrence snagged two of the night’s biggest awards, both of which she deserved for her amazing portrayal of Katniss in Catching Fire. It’s a shame she didn’t go to the ceremony, because we would have loved to see her reaction to getting slimed.
Image: mashable
Favorite Male Buttkicker
Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr. snagged the blimp for general male badass. In his acceptance speech he said it was “the highest honor yet bestowed upon [him].” He also gave an impassioned speech (much of which probably went over the young audience’s heads) but was nevertheless inspiring.
”You know I wasn’t always a buttkicker,” he said. “In fact, life has kicked my proverbial butt countless times in many ways for many years, until I decided one day to start kicking back. Now look at me!”
Favorite Movie Actor
Adam Sandler won this for who even knows what reason. In his speech he referenced the gum ball scene from his film Bedtime Stories (which came out six years ago) where he makes candy rain from the sky. Then he forced the audience to chant “balls” until balls rained from the ceiling. A+ voting there, kiddos.
Pharrell Williams
Dressed in a Spongebob onesie, Pharrell tried to give a hug to the obviously distraught Cuoco after the pair were hit with a slime canon.
Favorite Animated Movie
No one was surprised that Frozen picked up this honor, it’s been winning award after award. Kristen Bell attended the ceremony on behalf of the film and thanked the fans for making it the success it was.
Favorite Movie
Catching Fire scooped up this award, and between that and J. Law’s successes it was a good night for the flick. It’s a shame no one from the film was in attendance to pick up any of the awards.
Image: Lionsgate
Mark Whalberg
After announcing all night long that he was too smart to get slimed, host Mark Whalberg of course got slimed at the end of the show, (and really, really intensely). The downpour of green stuff basically turned him into the Hulk.