Taissa Farmiga's 'AHS' Role Is Super Meta

This season of American Horror Story: Roanoke just gets better and better. We have seen almost all of our favorite cast members but this damn blood moon has taken many of them away as soon as they appear. Fans were beyond excited to hear that Taissa Farmiga would be joining the AHS: Roanoke season at some point and tonight she finally made her appearance nine episodes in, as a blogger and a fan of My Roanoke Nightmare.
Basically Farmiga's character, Sophie, represents the audience who is watching American Horror Story. But she's a little more interactive. She treks into the Roanoke woods with her friends to check out the infamous house. Of course, they bring selfie sticks and cameras because, millennials. It's kind of brilliant the way that Ryan Murphy has really made this season a commentary on reality television, social media, and internet culture. For example, when Sophie and her friends stumble upon the body of Diana (remember, she disappeared in Episode 6 after quitting the production), Sophie comments about the fact that their video of this dead body will "go viral." If that is not a perfect jab at society right now, then I don't know what is.
Still, all that matters is that Farmiga was back — even if just for an episode. Sophie was a perfect character, because she is all of us. Just promise me that none of you will go stumbling into those Roanoke woods.
Images: FX