Throughout yesterday's election, women (and some awesome men) showed their support for Clinton by wearing pantsuits to the polls. This display of solidarity was sparked by the Facebook group Pantsuit Nation, which nods to Clinton's go-to badass outfit of choice.
If you even glimpsed at social media yesterday, then you likely saw a photo or two of these women in their business best. All were so hopeful to see Clinton in office, and are obviously let down by the election's results.
Clinton's speech this morning was the tiniest comfort — not only for her supporters everywhere, but especially to her Pantsuit supporters. During her speech, Clinton gave a shout out to the private Facebook group and its three million plus followers.
"You poured your hearts into this campaign. Some of you who are veterans, it was a campaign after you'd done other campaigns. Some of you, it was your first campaign. I want each of you to know you were the best campaign anyone could have ever expected or wanted.
And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists, and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on Facebook — even in secret, private Facebook sites. I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward."
Members of the group reacted to the shout out, with some saying they were "tearing up" and others saying "I needed to hear this." (Me too, ladies. Me too.) It'll be interesting to see if the private group goes public, especially after Clinton's call to action.
If you're currently not a member, and can't see the outpouring of emotion for Clinton, rest assured — it's there. And rest assured that women everywhere are committed to staying strong together. Pantsuits and all.