
The Percentage Needed For Florida To Get A Recount

by Carolyn Steber

This election truly is a close one. And that's especially the case in the sunny little swing state of Florida. In fact, things are so close that Florida might even call for a recount. (Depending on who you want to win this election, the recount ruling may be a very good thing.)

As of 10 p.m. EST, about 98 percent of Florida's votes have been counted, according to the New York Times. As the counting continues, the difference is varying around one percent in favor of Trump.

So how would it all work, if a recount were to happen? If the final votes come in and show a close margin of 0.5 percent or less, it will initiate a recount, according to political reporter Tom McKay on And that's when the work begins.

"When a close vote margin (0.5 percent or less) initiates a recount, paper ballots are first retabulated using automatic tabulating equipment," McKay said. "If this retabulation returns results showing that the close vote margin is 0.25 percent or less, a manual recount is called for."

It's all looking very Bush/Gore 2000 to me. Only time will tell if Florida's recount history will repeat itself, and what that could mean for each candidate in 2016.