When it comes to the type of porn people watch, you normally think of straight, lesbian, BDSM— but your favorite food might just deserve to make the list. Because according to new statistics from Pornhub's Insights, pizza porn is incredibly popular. I mean, this is obviously about porn that includes pizza in the story line rather than getting down and dirty with a pepperoni (I hope... dear god I hope). Currently, there are nearly 2,000 videos with pizza in the title on Pornhub.
But why has there suddenly been a spike in pizza porn viewing? "Last month was Pizza Appreciation Month so it’s no surprise that pizza searches are particularly high right now," Corey Price, Vice President of Pornhub, tells Bustle. "Seems as though a large majority of our users have been craving some cheesy, gooey pizza porn for some time now, as pizza searches have grown nine percent since 2013. We are in the midst of cuffing season and all our users who are single might be craving a serious relationship at the moment. What’s better than some stuffed crust pizza to cure that appetite?" Can't argue with that.
In any case, pizza porn is getting some real love right now. Here's what we know:
1. There Are Some Amazing Search Phrases
Sure, pizza delivery was most popular, but check out some of the others. "Pizza that ass"? "Big sausage pizza"? "NAKED PIZZA DARE"!? People are creative with their searches and I love it.
2. 2016 Has Been A Good Pizza Porn Year
What will explain this mysterious spike in views? Look at how much "pizza girl" searches have increased. The world may never know.
3. Young People And Men Are More Likely To Search For It
So men are 23 percent more likely to search for pizza porn than women, which is a big jump. But it's also far more popular in the 18 to 24 age group than any of the others. Maybe it's because it's such a cliche that people search for it before they really know what they want, maybe it's because older people have a vendetta against marinara sauce.
4. Pizza Searches Vary Across The U.S.
That's right, there's a lot of variation between states. Some places— here's looking at you, Arizona — really love their pizza porn searches. Others, like Mississippi, apparently hate delicious.
5. And Around The World
So I assumed pizza porn would be unique to — or at least most popular in— America, but I was damn wrong. A lot of countries, like Romania and India, seem to have more pizza porn viewing than the US of A although Japan apparently doesn't get what all the fuss is about.
Images: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle; Pornhub