10 Hacks To De-Bloat Before A Night Out
Nothing is worse than getting ready for a night out, only to feel bloated, gassy, and just downright uncomfortable. You can throw on an oversized T-shirt or crawl back into your bed, but instead you might want to consider some ways to de-bloat before heading out the door. This way, you'll not only feel more comfortable, but you also won't have to miss out on a good time just because you're feeling a little bit more full than usual.
If you suffer from bloating, you're not alone. According to WebMD, one in 10 Americans say they suffer from bloating regularly, even when they haven’t eaten a large meal.
"Bloating can happen to anyone," says Dr. Felicia D. Stoler over email. "You’ve probably seen the pictures of healthy, fit gals who wake up with their stomach so distended it looks like they’re pregnant. Why is that? Bloating can be caused by overeating – all that food you ate has to go somewhere – as well as gas production."
Bloating is usually tied to what and how you eat, but luckily there are ways to combat the feeling even after your meal. If you constantly feel bloated in the evening time before heading out for the night, consider these 10 hacks to help you de-bloat.
1. Skip The Salt
First, pay attention to the meals you're eating before going out. "Stay away from foods that are high in sodium, as well as those which are fatty (think fried foods and the like)," says health coach Robyn Lanci over email. "Consuming smaller portions and maintaining a clean diet will help because items like fresh fruit and veggies and lean proteins are digested easier."
2. Drink Lots Of Water
"Staying hydrated will flush out your system and help de-bloat you," says Lanci. "In my own experience, I've found that consuming lots of water after I'm experiencing that 'too full' feeling makes me feel better, faster. Pure coconut water (without added sugar) is great after a night out because it replaces electrolytes."
3. Add Some Lemon
Water alone is great, but liven up your drinks by adding in some lemon. The citrus fruit can help aid in digestion and slow down absorption of nutrients, according to Yahoo!.
4. Take Some Vitamins
If your bloating is period-related, you might want to consider popping some multivitamins. "Vitamins such as calcium, vitamin’s E, D, thiamine, magnesium and omega 3-fish oil may be helpful in relieving the period bloat and swelling," says Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN over email.
5. Eat Some Ginger
Shred some ginger into your salad or brew some into a tea. Ginger can help break up and expel gas by speeding up your digestion according to a study from European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. This can help relieve discomfort and bloating.
6. Drink Some Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea will not only help you stay hydrated, but it will also provide you with a soothing digestive boost. Peppermint can help reduce adnominal pain as well as bloating and flatulence, according to a study from Journal of Gastroenterology. Peppermint contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle of the digestive track.
7. Go For A Walk
Some light exercise is a great way to stimulate the digestive track, according to Everyday Health. Walking helps food move through the stomach faster, which means gas is able to move more quickly into your small intestine and cause less distress.
8. Do Some Yoga Poses
Yoga poses are another easy and quick way to help aid with your digestion. A number of poses can help increase blood flow to the digestive tract, and certain twists can help massage your inner organs, relieving discomfort, according to Yahoo!.
9. Have A Tropical Smoothie
Top off whatever meal you just had with a tropical smoothie, preferably including ingredients such as pineapple, banana, or mangoes. Mangoes and banana are both high in potassium, which can help counteract the bloating effects of sodium and prevent water retention, according to Dr. Oz. Additionally, pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps with digestion by aiding in the breakdown of proteins, according to Livestrong.
10. Opt For Some Probiotics
Taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods rich in probiotics can help keep things moving in your stomach. "These good bacteria live in your gut and support digestion," says Stoler. "Enriching your diet with live cultures from fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi may help ease bloating."
It's best to avoid salty foods, drink a lot of water, and exercise often to avoid feeling bloated on a daily basis.
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