'TWD's Glenn Gets A Real-Life Obituary (Sort Of)

Because I am both resistant to change and far too invested in my fictional favorite characters, I opted to watch The Walking Dead premiere belatedly. I knew what was coming. While I would have preferred to live in denial, my TWD fandom FOMO was much, much worse. So for the sake of being able to join the conversation, I watched it and then was unable to eat dinner after witnessing Glenn Rhee's horrific demise. Both because it was possibly one of the most disgusting events my sensitive eyes have gazed upon, and also because I was just too upset to maintain any sort of appetite. I was infuriated by the injustice and perturbed that he met his end in such a way. And if Glenn from TWD's real-life obituary that has been circulating the internet is any indication, I was not the only one feeling particularly salty.
The obituary, posted by GuardOnline, might seem dramatic to some, sure, but I'd also argue that those people don't have feelings. Was that harsh? Sorry — so was Glenn's death. It's a fitting tribute for the tragic fallen hero, who's fictional death feels way too real, as evidenced by the internet's refusal to let it go, even days afterward. Anyway, back to the issue at hand: Glenn's obituary starts out fairly typical, stating, "Glenn Rhee. Husband, father-to-be, warrior, and friend departed from this world on October 23, 2016. He was 32."
But just like the show itself, the death notice only escalated from there. It goes on to proclaim,
A faithful friend, Glenn spared no personal risk or inconvenience to care and provide for his adopted apocalyptic family of survivors. His bravery in the face of both the Undead and Brutal Living inspired all who knew him. He exhibited top-notch leadership when his leader and mentor was either unavailable or unable to lead, and his commitment to moral principles in a world gone mad breathed hope and promise into those around him.
If you can manage to get through the entirety of the obituary with dry eyes, I applaud you. While it's a difficult document to swallow, it's one that all fans should read in his honor. In a way, knowing he's getting this recognition helps lessen the blow of his death just a little bit ... until I remember Negan's ruthlessness all over again, that is.
Image: AMC