'Gilmore Girls' Is Coping With A Major Loss

It's officially OK to get on the hype train for the Gilmore Girls revival now that the newest trailer has dropped into fans' consciousness like an early Christmas present. Were you freaking out as much as I was? There's just too much Gilmore goodness to soak up, but the one portion of the trailer that really tugged at my heart strings was when we finally got to see Emily Gilmore. Poor Emily. It looks like A Year in the Life will explore life without Richard Gilmore head-on and it will not be an easy journey. If anything, it appears that the Gilmore girls are truly just that: the Gilmore girls. If you're as big a fan of the show as I am, then that's a truly heartbreaking sentiment.
The trailer gave viewers indications that for Emily, Lorelai, and Rory, there will be no easy or correct way to grieve the loss of Richard. Mirroring the real-life loss of Edward Herrmann, who played the head of the family, I think it's safe to say that the fictional mourning process of Richard will be imbued with some very real sadness from the cast. Luckily, we get a few humorous insights into the Gilmore's healing process, beginning with a stunningly large portrait of Richard.
It appears that Emily is dead-set on hanging up the huge homage to her late husband on the wall (if she manages to get it above the mantle, I'll be in total awe). "Isn't it wonderful?" she remarks as Lorelai and Rory trying to pick their jaws up off the floor. Fans also got to watch Emily sift through the relics of her well-to-do life. Casting off her fancy dresses — in a t-shirt, no less — while movers hauled out the dining room chairs that once allowed all of the Gilmores to sit and connect every Friday night, Richard's absence can truly be felt. What will the future look like for Emily now that she is on her own?
Fans know that Emily has always been a resilient woman. With her tough exterior and tender heart, Emily has been an intriguing matriarchal example on Gilmore Girls. Seeing her come to grips with the absence of Richard is just too much. Sadder still is watching Lorelai and Rory look on as Emily mourns, the emotional gut-punch of the loss of a major character is amplified even more.
I'm curious to see how A Year in the Life will fully explore Richard's death. If this trailer is anything to go by, the journey will be an equal mix of joy, sadness, and bittersweet remembrance.
Images: Netflix US & Canada/YouTube (3)