Mel C. & MO Sing A Spice Girls Classic
Sporty Spice may not be up for the 2017 reunion show, but a few nights ago, she let the world know that her days of singing Spice Girls tunes in concert are nowhere near over. On Saturday night, Danish singer-songwriter MØ performed her cover of a Spice Girls hit at a London show with a very Spice-cial guest: living pop legend and Adidas track pant aficionado Melanie Chisholm. Over the weekend, MØ and Mel C. sang “Say You’ll Be There” together for an upsettingly lucky audience. And yes, the video of the duet is giving me everything.
Does Mel C. sound as perfect as ever? Of course she does. Is Mel C.'s ad lib section at the end of the song something to behold and cherish and celebrate? Of course it is. Does MØ bring the fire, too? Of course she does. Is there something magical about watching Mel C. perform this 20-year-old Spice Girls single in 2016? Of course there is. Does next year's Spice Girls reunion come to mind? Of course it does. Would I love to hear Mel C. (and Victoria Beckham) sing “Say You’ll Be There” with the rest of the Spice Girls in 2017? Of course I would. Do I wish Posh and Sporty would change their minds about the reunion? Of course I do. Will I watch this video several more times this afternoon? Of course I will.
If you can listen to Sporty Spice belt out “Say You’ll Be There” like it’s 1996 without feeling bummed that the next Spice Girls reunion won’t be a complete reunion, then you are a much more resilient person than I am.
I don't know about you, but this performance is throwing far too much emotions at me.