Amelia and Owen are finally free of their demons (for the most part) on Grey’s Anatomy — they’re married, in love, and ready to start a family. That’s why when Amelia revealed to Meredith and Maggie that she could be pregnant, things were very exciting for viewers like me who ‘ship Owmelia. But it wasn’t to last — Amelia isn’t pregnant on Grey’s Anatomy , and she and Owen are both disappointed.
It all started when Amelia forgot what the date was and realized she missed her period. Because she is “never late” and because she and Owen have started trying to have a family, Amelia assumed she was pregnant and told Meredith when Meredith caught her looking for a pregnancy test to test out her theory. If you watched Private Practice, you know that Amelia’s first fiancé died and her first child was born without a brain due to a severe birth defect, so suffice it to say that she is hesitant to even find out if she’s with child — being sober and a mom are new to her, to be honest. Eventually, she waits until she’s at home with Owen to tell him that she might be pregnant, and they take the test together. The requisite two minutes pass and… it’s a negative. Bummer.
Owen, who had Harriet, April and Jackson’s daughter, for most of the episode and was adorable, has always wanted a big family, so I think that he’ll want to keep trying for a baby (or seven). Amelia, on the other hand, has this thing with failure — she’s always convinced that everything is her fault, and I don’t think she’ll take not being pregnant (even though they just started trying) lightly. But still, they must press on if they want to have a family, if only so Meredith can say that funny “she’ll be talking for two” line again in front of the refrigerator.
Images: Richard Cartwright/ABC; Giphy