22 Vegan Gift Ideas For Your Animal-Loving BFF

Even if it doesn't feel like it, it is indeed getting to be the holiday season — which means it's time to start planning your gift-giving. (By planning, I mean wasting time at work looking at gift guides like this one.) And if you're following the news about about our ever-warming planet, animal cruelty, or your health, then chances are you know the many benefits of going vegan — but where does that leave your gift-giving? Luckily, whether you yourself are vegan or are buying a gift for a vegan friend (or both!), there are so many vegan gifts to choose from this holiday season that it's hard to know where to start.
It's hard to narrow down all the awesome stuff out there, but it's never been a better time to be shopping with vegans in mind. Between cookbooks, delicious treats, subscription services, or more, you can find a gift that's sure to please anyone, no matter their lifestyle. Whether you're buying a gift for someone who's been wanting to take the plunge, or for your vegan BFF who seems to have everything, there's an item on this list for anyone on yours.
So, without further ado, here are 22 vegan gift ideas for your holiday shopping list.
1. A Cookbook With Lots Of Recipe Options
2. Reusable Produce Bags
3. A Cookbook They Can Use All Year
4. A Chocolate Assortment
5. A Comfort Food Cookbook
6. A Guide To Reduce Plastic
7. Fridge Magnets
8. A Cheeky Tee
9. A Sustainable Candle
10. A Cute Accessory
11. A Vegan S'mores Kit
12. Self-Care Galore
14. A Unique Design-y Wallet
15. An Everyday Carry-all
16. A Stylish Holiday Party Accessory
17. An Elegant Work Bag
18. An Accessory That Lets Them Wear Their Heart On Their Sleeve
19. Something For The Star Wars Fans
20. Something To Keep At Their Desk
21. A Plant Subscription Par Excellence
22. Another Delicious Treat
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