Tricks and treats aren't just for kids. If you're on the prowl for a different kind of thrill this Halloween season, horror-themed porn might just be the thing to put you in a spooky mood. Historically, mainstream horror films have served as cultural commentary, addressing American sexual values in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Take Friday the 13th, for example. Jason becomes a villain because as a child, he drowned while the counselors who should have been watching him were getting it on. Then, he comes back to murder innocent folks — often while they're in the throes of passion.
Sex equals death in a number of other horror films, too, from Halloween to Hellraiser, and the amorous are always the first die. The takeaway is pretty pro-prudish: sex is dangerous and will probably kill you — or, in the case of It Follows, will leave you with a sexually-transmitted malevolent entity, scarring you and making life unbearable until you pass it on to the next person. But enough horror spoilers.
Given how central sex is to the horror genre, it's only fitting that horror become central to the porn genre. For decades now, adult film directors and performers have brought gore and rigor (mortis) to horror spoofs and horror-themed porn. Here are six horror porn movies sure to make you scream:
1. The XXXorcist
Burning Angel helmed this spoof's production, adding slimy, demonic seduction to the already hypersexual plotline of The Exorcist. If you've always wished Regan would have been compelled by the power of Christ to have sex with a priest, then this one's for you.
2. Scream XXX
Vivid Entertainment created Scream XXX in 2011 starring porn legend Ron Jeremy and a cast of characters ready to make you laugh and come. Don't answer the phone. Don't open the door, and definitely don't forget the lube.
3. Cindy Queen of Hell
Another Burning Angel production set to debut this Halloween season, Cindy Queen of Hell stars the Leigh Raven as Cindy, a girl who discovers she's Satan's daughter and will one day inherit the kingdom of hell.
4. A Wet Dream On Elm Street
This still from A Wet Dream On Elm Street pretty much sums up all you need to know about Lee Roy Myers' 2012 spoof that brings all your Freddy Kruger fantasies to life.
5. The Texas Vibrator Massacre
Directed by Rob Rotten, The Texas Vibrator Massacre blood bath follows the plot of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but with plenty of sex to precipitate the carnage.
6. Dracula Sucks
Dracula Sucks is a gem from the first wave of horror porn. This 1978 masterpiece of camp and sleaze lives up to its tag line of "lust at first bite."
Images: Splatter4Lyfe/YouTube; AxelBraun/YouTube; BurningAngel/YouTube; The SpringwoodSlasher/YouTube; Skrubahlinc/YouTube; VinegarSyndrome/YouTube