
Wendy Davis Writes Bluntest Fundraising Email Ever

by Seth Millstein

In 2012, President Obama’s reelection team famously poured massive resources into crafting the perfect fundraising letters, going so far as to figure out the optimal word to put at the beginning of subject lines in emails to supporters. (“Hey” ultimately won out.) But Wendy Davis, in her run for Texas governor, is taking a slightly more straightforward approach. Davis, whose campaign has started to pick up steam as of late, has just sent out what may be one of the bluntest fundraising emails in political history.

“Figured I’d get straight to the point: This is an email to raise money for my campaign,” the email reads. “We need to raise another $60,000 before March 31st -- and I’m hoping $10 of it can come from you.”

This contrasts sharply with most contemporary fundraising emails, which usually open with some manner of flattery or outrage before segueing into a pitch for a donation. Davis’s cuts right to the chase — even the subject line (“An email to raise money for the campaign”) leaves no room for confusion as to what the ultimate goal is.

“I’m being direct for two reasons,” the email continues. “First, you know that we’re facing well-funded opposition in this race -- and you know how important it is that we have the resources to be competitive. Second, our deadline is coming up fast. And every contribution counts.”

The only candidate who may have outdone Davis in terms of directness is Senator Al Franken, who wrote an email with the subject line “Fundraising email” in late 2013.

“Yes. This is a fundraising email,” the message read. “See, here’s a contribution link.”

It may be crude, but there’s something refreshing about the utter lack of pandering.