Listen, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who love being scared, and those scaredy-cats who have to pause horror films so many times that they end up looking more like a flip book than a movie. And, as it turns out, that rule applies to celebrities as well, as evidenced by these videos of celebrities being terrified in haunted houses. Somewhere along the way, someone figured out that, while it's panic-inducing to go through a haunted house yourself, it's downright amusing to watch someone else do it. And with Halloween right around the corner, we're once again rich with these clips of our most famous faces enduring exactly that. Some of them love it, some of them hate it, but they're all getting scared to death in a way that's straight up delightful to watch.
So, whether this collection of videos makes you want to check out a haunted house of your own, or just convince you that you were right in deciding never to leave your apartment ever again, for the moment, you can live vicariously through these petrified famous people. You know, without having to worry about peeing your pants on camera after a zombie with a chainsaw jumps out at you from behind a curtain. Halloween comes but once a year, so get your Ellen DeGeneres on and laugh at these silly fools as they get scared stiff.
1. Eric Stonestreet And Andy Lassner
Ellen DeGeneres has an annual tradition of sending her Executive Producer Andy Lassner through a haunted house and filming it, and it's truly one of my favorite things. He just. Hates it. So. Much. In 2015, she sent Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet along with him, and, oh boy, is it the best.
2. Austin Mahone
Austin Mahone dared himself to do something he was terrified to do, and came up with going through a haunted house. I'm betting the 20-year-old singer-songwriter is regretting it right about now, if this video is any indication.
3. Jimmy Fallon And Kevin Hart
Taking a page out of Ellen's book, Jimmy Fallon decided to see what his guest Kevin Hart was made of. The only difference is that Fallon went along with him, and, if anything, he was even more terrified than Hart was.
4. The Cast Of Scandal
You might start to notice a theme here, but Ellen DeGeneres wasn't satisfied with just giving Lassner and Stonestreet a Halloween heart attack; she also put Scandal's Katie Lowes and Guillermo Díaz through their paces.
5. Maggie From The Walking Dead
You'd think that Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie on the Walking Dead, would be used to zombies by now. But you can see her get genuinely scared quite a few times in the show-themed haunted house, although she quickly laughs it off and pretends she's joking.
6. Taylor Swift
You'll never believe this, but Ellen got yet another person to humiliate themselves on camera for her devious pleasures. But, where Taylor Swift is concerned, I'm pretty sure this is a one-time thing. Even though it's just a Haunted Hallway and not a full-on house, I've never seen anyone rush through one of these things quite so quickly. Swift is genuinely scared, and I don't think she'll be doing anything like that again.
7. Snooki And JWoww
Remember Jersey Shore? Snooki and JWoww were best friends both on and off the show, but it's hard to tell, when they're using each other as body shields.
8. Rihanna And Jimmy Kimmel
And, finally, we have Rihanna, who made a haunted house of her own... out of Jimmy Kimmel's actual house. As an April Fool's Day prank, and with the help of Kimmel's wife Molly McNearny, the singer crept into his home while he was asleep, waking him up suddenly at 1:00am with flashing lights, fake money, and a rendition of her own song, "B*tch Better Have My Money." Now there's a haunted house I would pay to attend.
Maybe the rest of you need to be jumped out at by terrifying human beings in mask and bloody face paint, but I'm perfectly happy just watching it happen to other people. Happy Halloween.
Image: TheTonightShowStarringJimmyFallon/YouTube