Michelle Obama's Speech Just Got Lit On Twitter

On Thursday, Oct. 13, Michelle Obama took the stage in Manchester, New Hampshire, to deliver an eviscerating and precise takedown of Donald Trump's campaign and character. The powerful address gained instant attention and accolades, but perhaps the best reactions to Michelle Obama's New Hampshire speech can be found on Twitter. Where else?
The moving speech addressed the recent allegations of sexual assault that have surfaced against the Republican nominee, as well as the vulgar remarks he made in a now-infamous 2005 recording. Obama explained that it felt "dishonest and disingenuous" to ignore these developments and continue with a campaign speech as usual. "I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core," she said, echoing a sentiment deeply felt by women across the nation, and indeed the world. "The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls."
... and now I'm crying.
The outpouring of support for the speech across social media was almost immediate. FLOTUS is seriously trending on Twitter, with many users simply quoting her most powerful lines (it's pretty hard to choose, as there are so many). Among the most popular are "Strong men don't need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful," "To dismiss this as everyday locker room talk is an insult to decent men everywhere," and "This is not normal. This is not politics as usual."
Many agree that this speech is not only the best of the campaign, but will go down in history. Others note how eloquently Obama dismantled the powerful man-slash-short-fingered vulgarian without naming him. If the activity on Twitter is any indication, Obama's rousing speech may prove to be a soothing balm for the for hateful and sexist rhetoric oft employed during this divisive and ugly campaign. "We need someone who is a uniting force in this country," Obama proclaimed. "Someone who will heal the wounds that divide us."
Here's a roundup of the best reactions to Michelle Obama's speech to grace the Twitter-sphere:
1. Your New Fave Pump-Up Mix
2. Looking To The Future
3. Finally, A Reason To Feel Better
4. The Power Of The Crowd
5. So. Emotional. Right. Now
6. Historical Déjà Vu, Anyone?
7. We Can Just Call The Election Now
8. It's Quitting Time!
9. Mic Drop Moment
10. A Heartfelt "Thank You"
If you haven't had the chance to check out Michelle Obama's remarkable speech, take a moment and watch it in its entirety here:
That's not a tear in my eye it's just... aw, heck, who am I kidding? I'm flat-out sobbing right now. Slay on, FLOTUS.
Images: EmmaGray/Twitter; GirlsReallyRule/Twitter; TylerHansen/Twitter; Ohnoshetwitnt/Twitter; JoyReid/Twitter; RexHuppke/Twitter; TommyVietor/Twitter; NiaKenzie/Twitter; HillaryClinton/Twitter; HillaryClinton/YouTube