Karaoke With Hiddles & Chastain? Please!

I pine! I burn! I perish! Jessica Chastain's birthday party was this weekend, and if you were wondering if you should feel slightly more empty for not having been there, the answer is yes. Definitely yes. Because it involved Chastain and Tom Hiddleston doing karaoke, and in the immortal words of Liz Lemon, "I want to go to there."
Chastain turns 37 today, and she celebrated in the same way a whole lot of us would like to spend our birthdays: With an intimate dinner with friends, some ping-pong, some crazy dancing, and, perhaps most importantly, Tom Hiddleston. She posted about the day on Facebook, writing:
Hello lovelies [sic]My friends have traveled to Toronto to begin the Birthday festivities. There was a delicious dinner at Brassaii, ping pong matches, crazy dancing, and karaoke. The past few years has been so wonderful and full of work that I sometimes feel like I live on a film set. It was great to spend time with my nearest and dearest. It's a reminder of what's important in life. xxjes
I would like to congratulate Chastain for counting gangly/beautiful Shakespearean heartthrob Tom Hiddleston as one of her nearest an dearest. Especially since it resulted in this picture, which I can already tell is going to be my favorite thing on the Internet today:
Oh the glory of this picture. Chastain, mid-verse, into it. That lounging man in the back — is he part of the song? Because if so I'd like to sign up for his version of lazy karaoke. And then there's Hiddles, intensely pouring over the song choices.
What do you think she sing? From the pursed lips I'm gonna go vintage, '80s or before, definitely not Beyoncé. What did he sing? Did he reprise his rendition of "Stand By Me"? (See below.) Go Michael Jackson again? We like to think someone got up there and really went for it with a Sondheim. But if we'd have to place our bets, we'd say Hiddleston busted our the "Don't You Want Me Baby." Because of course we do.
Since we couldn't have been there ourselves, let us all close our eyes while listening to these clips of Hiddleston singing elsewhere. Also best to be looking at these pictures of Chastain's awesome party — my personal fave is this one, in which Chastain is definitely having enough fun for all of us.
Hiddleston rocking to "Stand By Me":
Singing for animated film The Pirate Fairy:
And the birthday girl herself singing "Blue Christmas" with Peter Travers:
Images: Jessica Chastain/Facebook