Little Girl's 'Frozen' Cover Will Warm Your Heart

We've almost heard our fill of "Let it Go" covers, from funny ones, to famous ones, to ones that don't make sense. Although we all have chosen our favorite form of Idina mimicry by now, it seems that the other song from Frozen might be next to get covered ad nauseam. That's right, we're talking about "Do You Want to Build a Snowman," the theme song of the rocky Anna-Elsa relationship at the center of Frozen. But before Youtube is saturated with one-woman shows trying to get to the heart of the snowman song, one little girl has cried her way through the most serious version of the song. A girl named Francesca sang "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" while having a splinter removed. Although she sniffled and wailed through most of the chorus, her choked-up version of the verses turns the song into an adorably melodramatic ballad. It also makes us hope that someone builds her a magical talking snowman for getting through this small-child crisis.
For comparison, here's the original Disney version and Francesca's flail-and-deliver version. Even though the version in Frozen deals with some heavy issues, we still think Francesca's is more tragic.
Image: Disney