13 Date Ideas Inspired By Halloween

Unless you've been living under a pumpkin, then you know full well that we are currently in the midst of the best month of the entire year: October. Autumn is debatably the best season there is, with the bright crimson leaves falling to the ground and the welcome chill in the air after too many months of heat. But October hands-down reigns supreme over September and November as the best fall month, because with October comes Halloween. In my opinion, Halloween is the best holiday there is. I mean, one of the main staples of Halloween is literally a carved pumpkin, and who doesn't love pumpkins? But even if you don't live and breathe Halloween like I do, you can still find ways to enjoy it.
Whether you live for movies that chill your bones or you just like to give pumpkins cute faces, Halloween has something to offer everyone — including you and your partner. It may not be Valentine's Day, but Halloween provides a ton of great date opportunities like scary movie marathons and attending costume parties in matching outfits.
So if you and your significant other (or date) are trying to make the most of this spooky season, try out some of these date ideas inspired by Halloween.
1. Go To A Midnight Showing Of The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Going to a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show is truly such an iconic Halloween experience, so why not make it a date? If you want to get really into it, practice doing the Time Warp ahead of time and show up to the show as characters from the film.
2. Carve Jack-o-Lanterns Together
It isn't Halloween without carving faces into pumpkins. This is a fun way to spend time with bae, and allows you both to get creative. Consider trying to make your jack-o-lanterns look like an impression of each other. Bonus points if you start the date by actually going out to a farm and picking pumpkins together.
3. Stay In A Haunted Airbnb
Yes, this is a real thing that you can do. If you're both looking for a bit of a spirited adventure, you should definitely think about renting one of these spooky spots. TBH, I can't think of a better bonding experience than sharing a room with your partner and a bunch of ghosts.
4. Get Psychic Readings Together
Whether you believe in psychics or not, getting a professional reading done could be a really cool date idea. If you're both into it, the reading could be a great way to connect with your partner. And if you're both skeptics, you can spend the car ride home laughing about your fortunes. I've had a psychic do a reading on me once, and it was actually super enlightening.
5. Go On A Hayride
Haunted hayrides are perfect for the couple that lives and breathes Halloween. But if you're not into jump scares, you can always take a hayride during the day into an apple orchard or pumpkin patch to pick some fresh produce.
6. Find Your Way Through A Corn Maze
You're never too old to get lost in a corn maze in October. This date is not only fun, but it could help strengthen your relationship by trusting your partner's gut on that left and communicating about why you think you both should go right. If you want more of a Halloween flair, try doing this date at night.
7. Take A Tour Of A Cemetery
Cemetery tours can actually be super interesting if you're into learning about the past. But you don't need to be a history buff to enjoy walking through a gravesite. They can be both beautiful or creepy depending on what time of day and what kind of tour you go on. Figure out what works best for you and your partner and spend some time walking among the dead.
8. Spend A Night Watching Scary Movies
There's no better time of year to marathon a bunch of horror movies than October. This date is perfect if you and your partner are thrill-seekers but want a low-key date that doesn't involve leaving your house.
9. Go Ghost Hunting
If you're seriously committed to this spooky season, this could be the date for you. You don't need any fancy equipment to go ghost hunting (but if you do invest in some serious gear, that'd be so cool and I'd be insanely jealous). Head to a place you know to be haunted and try to spot some paranormal activity. A good way to test if there are ghosts around is by taking photos and seeing if there are any orbs in the pictures. And hey, if you don't spot any ghouls, you at least probably got some great shots of you and your partner.
10. Try Your Luck With A Ouija Board
Unfortunately, I can't vouch for this one since my roommates have banned me from summoning spirits in our house. If you and your significant other aren't afraid of a good haunting, then why not try using a Ouija board? Personally, I think this is a great idea, but I know not everyone's into it. If you do actually try this one, please tell me how it goes; I'm incredibly curious.
11. Watch Your Favorite Halloween Movies
Halloween probably has the best themed movies out of all the holidays. Sure, Christmas has Love Actually, but Halloween has Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown. Pick out your favorite Halloween-themed movies with your partner and get ready for a date filled with vampires, witches, and werewolves (oh, my!). This is a great alternative to the scary movie date if you're not a fan of horror films.
12. Host A Costume Party
Did you even Halloween if you didn't go to a costume party? Co-host a party with your partner and bask in the glory of all the great things this spooky holiday has to offer. Also, there are tons of cool couples costumes that you can try.
13. Tell Scary Stories Around A Bonfire
Fall is the perfect time to sit around a bonfire, roast marshmallows, and tell scary stories. Sure, summer nights are a bit warmer, but October's chilly weather makes it the perfect time to bundle up around a campfire. Also, scary stories just don't have the same effect in July.
Take advantage of this silly, spooky season by giving your dates a dose of Halloween. With these ideas, you and your partner are sure to have some memorable moments to reflect on in November.
Images: Fotolia; Giphy