20th Century Fox Has How Many Movies Planned?!

Guys and gals, there’s more good news for the cast of Fantastic Four: Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell will all star in yet another movie together. Already, the Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, the Thing and the Human Torch are set to appear in Fantastic Four II, though the first Fantastic Four film hasn't even been released yet. 20th Century Fox is really on its game! As of now, the plan is to release the sequel on July 14, 2017, and the first installment will still make its big screen debut, as previously announced, on June 19, 2015.
However, it doesn’t stop there. Similarly, 20th Century Fox announced the release date for a new Wolverine project, which is set for March 3, 2017, and for yet another Marvel film that currently remains a mystery. And though we have no idea what this Marvel film could possibly be about (sigh, the secrecy of the movie industry), a date is even set for that as well. July 13, 2018, in case you were wondering! Fox is on its game, everyone — planning a movie four years ahead? No worries.
We already know that Scarlett Johansson is desperately trying to get herself a Black Widow movie, so is it possible that Fox is swooping in to the save the day? Similarly, Theo James has recently opened up about the need for a gay superhero in today’s society, which we can definitely agree on. Is he just announcing this, secretly knowing that he’s already starring in a new movie about a gay superhero? And yes, there actually are LGBT friendly Marvel superheroes that exist. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be spectacular, as almost all Marvel movies seem to be. But, for now, I’m just going to try not to fangirl over the next few movies Fox has lined up, because that’s just too much emotional torture for the next three to four years.
Images: A24; Netflix; Focus Features; Magnolia Pictures