How To Look Like The Snapchat Butterfly Filter

I've never met a single person who isn't a fan of the butterfly filter in Snapchat, and with good reason — the butterfly filter has a way of making everyone who uses it look flawless, skin, teeth, eyes, and all. If you're in need of an excuse to ditch the blood, gore, and creep details this Halloween for something that actually makes you look cute, then these Snapchat butterfly filter Halloween costume ideas are the way to go.
Sometimes you just feel like putting sparkly butterflies in your hair and calling it day, and this Halloween you can totally get away with that. The best part of this costume? You can pretty much wear anything you want on your lower half. (If you really want to step it up though, pick up one of these Snapchat t-shirts and consider yourself as having gone above and beyond.)
Here are three different makeup and butterfly crown tutorials that vary in difficulty and dedication. Whether you're wanting to keep things simple or get intense with your costume, one of these wonderful YouTubers has got your back. All you need are some paper butterflies and a little bit of craftiness. Yes, you can definitely handle it.
Level One: Basic Butterfly
My Pale Skin goes way into depth with her makeup tutorial, truly capturing that ethereal look that the Snapchat butterfly filter gives off. She also provides simple instructions for how to make the golden butterflies that will go into your hair. You only need makeup, magnetic butterflies, some glue, and a little bit of glitter to get this look locked down.
Level Two: Intermediate Butterfly
If you want to step things up a notch, lucykiins provides an easy-to-follow tutorial for making the Snapchat butterfly crown that uses fake butterflies, flower wire, golden yellow paint, a paint brush, scissors, and a glue gun. Her look is a bit more akin to the actual Snapchat filter, so while the costume may not be as glittery, it's definitely more authentic looking.
Level Three: Ultimate Butterfly
If you really want to be the belle of the ball this Halloween, beeisforbeeauty has your tutorial. Not only does she provide an excellent makeup tutorial that imitates the beloved Snapchat filter, but she also throws some rhinestone gems into the mix, making the costume a full face and neck endeavor. The end result? Pure perfection. Snap away, ladies.
Images: Chelsey Grasso; My Pale Skin/YouTube; lucykiins/YouTube; beeisforbeeauty/YouTube