The Hilarious 'GoT' Porn Parody Trailer (SFW)

There's Game of Thrones, there's porn, and now there's Game of Thrones porn. Isn't it a wonderful world? Just a few weeks before Season 4 premieres, you can have your first look at the very funny, so-bad-it's-good trailer for Hustler's crazy Game of Thrones porn parody, This Ain't Game Of Thrones XXX . Don't worry — it's SFW! (And you will want to share this.)
Hustler isn't the first to capitalize on Game of Throne's popularity. Back in October, there was the aptly titled Game of Bones from Wood Rocket productions, featuring a female Joffrey and cats as Daenerys dragons (you can watch the mostly SFW trailer for that here). But, by the looks of the trailer for This Ain't Game of Thrones XXX, Hustler has kept a little more, uh...close to the show's plot.
While the sex in this porno parody is likely to be more graphic and porny than the already graphic sex that's in the show, and there will probably be a different kind of...ahem, swordplay, what truly makes this trailer an Internet gem is how freaking hilarious the parody-style acting is. We've got the Westeros crew — Daenerys, Jon Snow, Ygritte, Cersei, Jaime, Sansa, and Tyrion — all executed incredibly cornily to a hilarious extent. Not to mention, these actors (for the most part) actually look like the characters. Who knew the porn world was laden with so many lookalikes!
So, it looks like winter is, er...coming.
Image: Youtube