Disney Channel's 'Tangled' Series Includes A Twist

In 2017, it looks like Disney's legendary long-haired princess, Rapunzel, is going to be heading up her very own Disney Channel original series. That's right: Tangled is coming to the Disney Channel, and it'll be complete with the film's original voice actors Mandy Moore (Rapunzel) and Zachary Levi (Eugene). However, there's a twist: Considering the show is tweaking the format of the film to better work for television, the overall plot has taken an unexpected turn. In the show, Rapunzel's long, golden locks, will still be intact, unlike at the end of the film. So, what does this gigantic plot twist mean for Disney Channel's Tangled spin-off series? Well, it means that instead of the show being a simple continuation of the 2010 film, it might be more of a reboot — one that will allow fans the opportunity to experience Rapunzel's crazy life with her unreasonably long hair all over again. Just as the princess' original story intended.
In fact, from the looks of the new trailer, it's unclear as to whether or not these events are happening in conjunction with the Disney animated short film, The Tangled Wedding (I don't see no ring, Rapunzel). If anything, this animated series seems to be serving as it's own separate rendition of Rapunzel and Eugene's original pre-wedding events — with Pascal and Maximus by their side. In other words, it's pretty much an extended version of Disney's original film.
However, the teaser isn't entirely clear, so it's also possible that something happened to Rapunzel's once short, brown hair post-wedding. And, perhaps, that could be the entire focal point of the adventures that lie ahead. Perhaps Rapunzel ends up being stuck with her long, magical hair no matter how many times she gets a haircut — something that could be a blessing in and of itself. Whatever the format of the series ends up being, any kind of adventure with Rapunzel and Eugene is worth the watch.
Tangled: The Series will premiere on the Disney Channel in 2017.
Images: disneychannel/YouTube