The magical Gilmore Girls Sweet 16 birthday celebration that saw Luke's Diners pop up all across America is still offering up teases for the upcoming revival. It turns out that all of those coffee cups handed out at the pop up diners featured quotes from the show all about coffee, and HelloGiggles discovered a new Gilmore Girls revival quote on the side of one cup that proves some things in Lorelai's life never change. "Everything in my life has something to do with coffee," the quote from Lorelai reads. "I believe in a former life, I was coffee."
The latest Gilmore Girls coffee quote is going to fit right in with classics like "I need coffee in an I.V." and "coffee, coffee, coffee." It is comforting to see that, all these years later, Lorelai has not suddenly started drinking decaf or finally heeded Luke's warnings about the dangers of excessive coffee drinking and given up her morning brew for good. She is just as committed to coffee now as she was when the world met her in the pilot.
The new quote is quintessential Lorelai, and, even though the cup only reveals it is a quote from Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life , I cannot help but suspect it may pop up in "Winter" or "Fall." The quote is so reminiscent of the way Lorelai talks about snow that I can just see her sitting with a steaming cup in her hand, appreciating the three constants in her life: coffee, snow, and Rory. With all the changes Lorelai is set to face in the revival, it is nice to know coffee still has her back.
While there have been many hints dropped about the state of Rory and Emily's revival journeys, Lorelai's story is still a bit of a question mark. She is still with Luke, and still being a total boss at the Dragonfly Inn, but there are hints she is ready to make some serious changes in her life in the wake of Richard's death. After years of focusing on what everyone else needs from her, Lorelai is finally going to put her own needs first, which is going to make for an amazing story.
Still, even in a sea of change, she has perspective on the things that ground her. Coffee is one of those things. In good times and bad, coffee is there for her. It's a warm, comforting presence that helps her do the "walking and talking," and it brought Luke into her life. Coffee has been good to Lorelai, and this new quote is a promise it will continue to do so as she enters the next phase in her journey.
Image: Netflix