'OUAT's Prince Charming Is A Scholar

Ginnifer Goodwin's on and off-screen love isn't just easy on the eyes and a charming royal. Once Upon A Time's Josh Dallas — you probably know him as Prince Charming — has had a tough time on the series, but his real life has been almost fairytale-esque. On Sunday night's "The Tower," Dallas' Charming is the target of Rebecca Mader's Wicked Witch's latest plot, so what better time to get to know the character who's cheated death multiple times?
In case you forgot, we first met Dallas' charming while he was stuck in a coma in Storybrooke, following being stabbed just before Regina's curse hit the Enchanted Forest. When he finally came to and cheated death once — he ended his engagement, reunited with true love Snow White (Mary Margaret), and has since been saving the day or taking serious hits one episode at a time. Most recently, he was poisoned with Night Shade in Neverland and forced to find a cure before it killed him. Dramatic stuff — and now it appears that the Wicked Witch is going to attempt to poison him again.
So how did Josh Dallas end up playing one of the most famous fairytale princes? Or rather, who is the man behind the iconic Prince Charming? We've got 7 surprising facts for you about Snow White's dreamy love:
1. He's Got Something In Common With J.Law
Dallas was born in Louisville, KY on Dec. 18, 1981 — just nine years before Hollywood's favorite klutz, Jennifer Lawrence. Clearly there's something in the water in Kentucky — REPRESENT.
2. His TV Love Story Is His Real Life Love Story
Dallas is the on-screen husband and baby daddy to Goodwin's Snow White on OUAT and in real life, they're engaged and expecting their first child together. Life imitating art at its finest. Dallas and Goodwin met in 2011 on the set of the ABC series, went public with their relationship in 2012, got engaged in late 2013, and announced a month later that they were expecting. Sigh, how perfect.
3. He's A Prestigious Scholar
Here's something you probably didn't see coming — Dallas received a renowned scholarship at the age of 16. While performing at New Albany Senior High School in Indiana, Dallas received the Sarah Exley Scholarship, which is a full ride scholarship given to one American student every three years to study acting at Mountview Conservatoire for the Performing Arts in London, England.
4. He's Seen Frozen & Liked It
Check out that hashtag. Now we just love him even more.
5. He's Got An Epic Theatee Background
"To be or not to be," — at age 20, Dallas got his first professional acting job with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He then went on to perform with some of the world's most renowned theatre companies which included: Royal National Theatre, The English National Opera, The New Shakespeare Company, and The Young Vic.
6. Zachary Levi Got A Big Role Because Of Him
Dallas was cast as Fandral, a charter member of The Warriors Three and fought alongside Chris Hemsworth's Thor in the first film of the Marvel franchise. Thor was Dallas' big Hollywood break — but he didn't stick with the franchise. When Dallas accepted his starring role on OUAT, he dropped out of Thor because of scheduling conflicts and the role was handed off to Zachary Levi.
7. His Big Break Came After 5 Days
That's like, record time in Hollywood. Even Brad Pitt had to work at it for a little while before he struck gold — thus proving that Dallas is actually living in a real life fairytale. According to IMDB, Dallas relocated to Hollywood after spending 10 years in London doing theatre performances with the best of the best companies and got the call for Thor after just five days on American soil. He then booked OUAT and had to drop out of the remaining Thor films, which is even more crazy.
Images: ABC; Paramount