Lauren Graham Says 'GG' Will Bring On The Tears
Did you burst into tears when you learned that Gilmore Girls would be heading to Netflix for a brand new season nearly a full decade after its series finale? If you did, those tears were obviously ones of joy — who wouldn't want to revisit Stars Hollow and the mother and daughter duo who made the fictional small town in Connecticut so very special? The four episode revival of Gilmore Girls officially hits Netflix on Nov. 25, but real-life Lorelai Gilmore, Lauren Graham, is already teasing what to expect from the new season — and it turns out that fans are going to be crying more than just tears of joy. According to a recent interview Graham did with E! News, the new season of Gilmore Girls will totally make fans cry, and it shouldn't be surprising considering the emotional weight of this returning drama.
Graham was spotted on the red carpet of her new movie Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life (yep, sounds about right) when E! News stopped and asked one of everyone's fave TV moms about just how amazing the new season of Gilmore Girls would be. Graham appropriately gushed about the incredible new season, and teased that new season of the show would "definitely" be a tearjerker.

Zero surprises that Gilmore Girls will make you feel all the feels — why should "Season 8" be any different from its seven predecessors? Of course, in the 2016-set version of the show, fans are going to have different things to cry over than in 2007 — so what could these things be? Here are just a few things that could bring on the tears in the Gilmore Girls relaunch.
Richard's Death
Sadly, actor Edward Herrmann, who portrayed Rory's grandfather Richard, passed away in 2014. Though it's unclear exactly how Herrmann's passing will be handled onscreen, the loss of both Richard and Herrmann will no doubt be felt. According to Amy Sherman-Palladino's interview with Entertainment Weekly, Herrmann's death will "loom large" over Season 8. She stated: “Dealing with the death of Richard is going to impact all of them, because when somebody close to you dies your whole life comes into a weird focus for a minute. Like, what direction am I walking?" Actor Scott Patterson also hinted that Herrmann's death would receive tribute in the new season, saying, "[Herrmann’s death] left a big void, but Amy honored it beautifully. He’s throughout... these stories. It’s a wonderful homage to him as a person and to his character as well. It’s nice to have him around."
The Heartbreak Of Rory's Ex-Boyfriends
Gilmore Girls isn't all about the boys, but Rory's exes certainly provided some heart-wrenching moments — and all of Rory's ex-boyfriends are returning for the Gilmore Girls revival. I doubt that Gilmore Girls would re-introduce us to Rory's famous exes without any emotional consequences attached, and given Gilmore Girls' ability to break hearts with its romantic storylines, it's very possible that at least one of these exes is back to cause some seriously tear-worthy scenes. Will Jess and Rory reunite, only for him to leave her without an explanation yet again? Will Logan make an emotional bid for Rory's heart only for her to shoot him down faster than you can say "I'm going on the campaign trail with Hillary Clinton?" So many possible ways relations between these exes could sour and end in fans' tears.
Lorelai And Luke Drama
I would be 100 percent fine with Gilmore Girls showing Lorelai and Luke in marital bliss — but that's just not how this series works. Lorelai and Luke are totally endgame, but they've faced plenty of challenges in their relationship that ultimately led to their breakup and fans crying into their couch cushions. One thing that is known about the Gilmore Girls revival is that, according to TVLine, Lorelai and Luke are still not married. Could that hint that there may be trouble brewing between the romantic pairing? Perhaps trouble that will leave fans' eyes wet and salty? Say it ain't so, Gilmore Girls — there's only so much breakup of her favorite TV couple a girl can take.
The Fact That It's Going To End
Real talk: eventually, you're going to marathon those four 90-minute episodes and get to the end of the Gilmore Girls revival. According to Sherman-Palladino, that might be the hardest part of all, because the season apparently ends on a crazy cliffhanger that doesn't totally resolve everything we hoped for. After almost a decade waiting for real answers, that might make you cry tears of frustration.
Of course, I'll take any Gilmore Girls-related tears if it means more Gilmore Girls — let's just all remember to buy Kleenex in bulk before Nov. 25.
Images: Giphy (4)