Have you finished Luke Cage yet? The connections to other Netflix Marvel heroes have me pumped for The Defenders and what's going to happen when Luke, Matt Murdock, and Jessica Jones finally team up. Luke Cage also features more of Claire Temple, one of my favorite characters in the MCU. If that weren't enough, there's one particularly sneaky Luke Cage Easter Egg that teases Iron Fist and how Claire might meet up with yet another super-powered vigilante in need of medical attention and/or a friend. There are spoilers for the Luke Cage finale ahead, so don't read on unless you really, really want to know.
Rosario Dawson has not officially been announced as part of the Iron First cast, but at New York Comic-Con, the Luke Cage panel hinted that Dawson was working on another Marvel series in New York. However, a moment at the end of Luke Cage all but confirms it. During the final montage, Claire grabs the number of a self-defense class from Sensei Colleen Wing. Who's that? Only a Marvel comics character who is Misty Knight's best friend, a private investigator, and superhero in her own right. Colleen Wing will also be played on Luke Cage by Jessica Henwick from Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Game of Thrones.
Not only can you see Colleen Wing's name on the flyer, but these flyers appeared as a promotional tease on Twitter months ago.
How cool is that? I hope this means that Claire Temple will be training with Danny and Colleen Iron Fist as well. I also wouldn't mind if we saw more of Claire's mad scientist side that Luke Cage brought out in her. She's the connecting thread in all the Netflix Marvel shows, and it seems clear that she is who will ultimately bring them together as Defenders. To be honest, Claire should have a spot on the team too, especially since she’s about to learn from the best.
Images: Myles Aronowitz/Netflix; Netflix