These Emojis Will Help You Take Charge In Bed

As someone who's fully embraced the sex-positive lifestyle, naturally, I'm also a major advocate for sexting. If both parties are cool with it and trust one another, there's no harm at all in exchanging sexy pictures and words. Whether it's with a FWB or long-term partner, you're totally within your rights to get your sext on and feel zero shame about it. Not only is it fun to flirt, but studies have found that people who engage in sexting report higher levels of satisfaction within their relationship. You certainly shouldn't feel pressured to sext if that's not your thing, but sexting someone you're interested in has lots of surprising benefits and shouldn't be underrated as a form of modern foreplay.
Unfortunately, there are lots of people under the impression that men are always the instigators when it comes to sexting (and sex in general), probably because we hear about unsolicited dick pics all the time. Although those are definitively not cool — consent is crucial — the truth is that both men and women can enjoy sexting and are capable of making the first move. In fact, a survey by Adam & Eve actually found that women were more likely to sext than men. The assumption that men are always the ones to start a sext sesh probably stems from the antiquated notion that men are always hypersexual and women are always coy and bashful — an outdated idea that has got to go. Women can (and should) enjoy sex, just like men can desire love. And everyone can want both; it's not one or the other.
So now that we've established that gender means absolutely nothing when it comes to taking charge and making the first move, we should acknowledge that the stereotype runs even deeper than sexting, right down to the act itself. The sexual stereotype that men are inherently dominant and women inherently submissive is incredibly damaging, because it often results in people being ashamed of their kinks and desires because they're not "traditional" or "normal." It shouldn't need to be said, but it does: Gender identity/expression has no bearing on one's behavior in the bedroom, and it's harmful to have preconceived notions of what someone might like or dislike. No matter who you are, own your sexuality and don't be afraid to honestly and openly communicate your desires to your partner(s). And wouldn't you know it — sexting is a totally valid way of communicating.
Because emojis are a blessing upon this earth and are perfect visual aids for sexting, I've compiled a list of seven emoji combos that will show your partner you're in the mood to take charge in the bedroom — whether for the first time or the hundredth. (Oh, and these are just some suggestions, so feel free to swap certain emojis for others that more accurately reflect you and your partner!)
1. Sexy Striptease
OK, so salsa dancing doesn't necessarily equal striptease, but I don't think your partner would complain about a free ticket to the show either way.
2. No Pants Zone
Crystal clear and to-the-point. Who'd turn down an invite to a no pants party?
3. Erotic Explosion
Whether you opt for a banana or a kitty, it's pretty clear these emojis scream "sexual eruption."
4. Position Of Power
Man or woman, when you put a face before the words "on top," your partner will know you want to take the wheel in bed.
5. Crime And Punishment
Feeling like your partner deserves a spanking? These emojis will show them who's boss.
6. It's Going Down
If you ask me, there's no easier, more playful way to say oral is on the menu — and you're serving it with a side of sex vixen.
7. Sweet Smooching
And hey, kissing deserves a shoutout, too. Even if you just want to tell your partner you're dying for a smooch, emojis can help with that (and maybe lead to more).
Images: Fotolia; Laken Howard/Bustle (7)