Who's Cuter? These 18 'Game of Thrones' Stars or The Dolls They're Holding?
In the Game of Thrones you either win or you die — which is really quite extreme in practice! — but in the game of cute, you either win... or your adorable doll counterpart does! So really, there's nothing at all about this arbitrary bit of photo fun that compares to the machinations on HBO's hit fantasy series. But that doesn't make these photos from the red carpet premiere in New York City on Tuesday any less fun! Besides, let's be frank: we could all use a little bit of frivolity in advance of what's sure to be a bloody fourth season.
So let's take a gander and decide: who wins the Game Of Cute, you guys? The night is dark and full of Instagram filters.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Varys or Doll Tyrion?
A spider’s tongue is nothing to gawk at: we’re steering clear and voting for Doll Tyrion on this one!
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real White Walker or Doll White Walker?
We’re 100% going with real white walker on this one. Hubba hubba.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Onion Knight or Doll King Joffrey?
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Melissandei or Doll Rhaegal?
Aww shucks, this one’s tough as they’re both so adorable. But given actress Nathalie Emmanuel’s killer dress, she’s got the win on this one.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Hodor or Doll Greywind?
HODOR HODOR HODOR. Hodor? Hodor. Hodor!!!!!!
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Tyrion or Doll Tyrion?
This is so hard! But considering the question is “cutest” rather than “hottest” and we’re sticklers for rule-adhearing, we’re going to have to go with Doll Tyrion (we still love you, Dinklage).
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Sansa or Doll Ned and Greywind?
Real person Sansa Stark all the way, folks. Poor girl can’t catch a break!
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Roose Bolton or Doll Robb Stark
THE NORTH REMEMBERS: Robb Stark forever! Fuck off, Roose you goose!
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Arya or Doll Ghost?
Oh my goodness this one is so hard but, I mean, c’mon: just look at the adorable Maisie Williams and NOT give this one to her, I dare you-slash-it’s impossible.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Ygritte or Doll Ygritte?
You know nothing! It’s doll Ygritte for the win.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real The Hound or Doll The Hound?
Aww, Doll The Hound looks so sad and cute. We’re going with Doll The Hound.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Khaleesi or Doll Drogon?
How is one supposed to choose between the mother of dragons and one of her children? Considering how terrifyingly unhinged Drogon seems to be, we’re voting for real-life Daenerys Targaryen on this one.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Bran Stark or Doll Greywind?
Oh man, you guys: Bran Stark is growing up! Bran wins.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real George R.R. Martin or Doll Ned Stark's Head?
If we tell the A Song of Ice and Fire/Game Of Thrones author that he’s the cutest will that get him to finish up the next book faster?
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Shae or Doll Tyrion?
Poor Shae. All she wants to do is love you, Tyrion! Shae wins.
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Samwell Tarly or Doll White Walker?
Uhh…DUH the winner is obviously the guy who slayed the white walker and saved Gilly and her child. Ain’t nothin’ cuter than a bit of heroics. Plus look at that face! Samwell all the way!
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real Melisandre or Doll Renly Baratheon?
The night is dark and full of YOUR TERRORS, Melisandre! Renly clearly beats out the red witch for cutest (nice dress though, girl!).
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram
Real King Joffrey or Doll King Joffrey?
(Don’t worry: we think you’re swell, real person Jack Gleeson)
Image: GameOfThrones/Instagram