9 Things You Wear That Your Pedicurist Hates

There's nothing like settling into a massage chair, kicking your feet up, and giving your toes a little TLC. However, while you're relaxing, your pedicurist could be tsk-tsking you a bit. They're generally a patient sort, but there are some things that annoy your pedicurist. If you've never put much thought into what you wear to your salon appointments, you may want to think again.
Don't get it wrong: We're not talking about whether or not your pedicurist is judging your feet, legs, or body. After all, we've all got funky toenails or thick callouses every now and then — it's really no big deal. Nail techs don't care about the condition of your feet, and won't judge you for it. What really gets under their skin, though, are the cumbersome clothes, accessories, and hard to remove polishes we wear to appointments. These are the things that trip them up while they're trying to work, and make the process of polishing your toes take longer than it's supposed to.
We can't always plan our outfits according to our nail appointments, but being aware of our pedicurists' needs makes all the difference. If you're guilty of subjecting your pedicurist to any of these nine annoyances while getting your toes painted, it's high time you learn the error of your ways.
1. Skinny Jeans
"Skinny jeans are definitely our nemesis," celebrity manicurist Lisa Logan of New York's The Nail Suite tells Bustle via email. "They are so hard to work around and you don’t get the full spa experience if you can’t roll up your pant legs." Some pedicures include leg massages, hot towel wraps, exfoliating scrubs, and more. If you want to get your money's worth while keeping your nail tech sane, skip the skinny jeans for your appointment.
2. Stockings
If there's anything a pedicurist struggles with more than tight jeans, it's probably stockings. Unlike pants, technicians can't work around hosiery since they completely cover your feet. Logan suggests that you absolutely avoid them like the plague. "Especially when you come in for a mani-pedi, you have to go into the bathroom, remove them and come back. It’s time-consuming," she says.
3. Gel Polish
It's not that gel polish is a huge pain, says Logan, but rather it's not really necessary. "I totally understand why the no-drying time is intriguing, but in my opinion if you’re using a good brand of polish, your pedicure is going to last much longer on your toes than it does your fingers," she explains. The removal process of gel is also much more extensive than soaking off regular polish, not to mention it is potentially more damaging when not done correctly.
4. Foot Jewelry
"It’s just like going in for a manicure with your engagement ring on. You have to be responsible for your own jewelry," adds Logan. Just to be on the safe side, many pedicurists would prefer you not wear extra jewelry in the first place.
5. Dresses & Skirts
We've all probably worn a dress or skirt to a pedicure appointment without considering how uncomfortable they can be for your tech. "If you grew up in church, you’ll understand how I treat this," explains Logan. "If you’re sitting in the front pew with a skirt on, they will always throw a towel over your lap. I do the same in the pedicure chair."
6. Layers Of Polish
"When I’m removing, I see all the colors you’ve layered on there," says Logan, hence the name "peek-a-boo polish" she has given to the coats of color packed on during at-home pedi jobs.
7. Greasy Lotions
"Wearing any kind of really thick lotion, like Vaseline, that will leave a residue of oil in the water," says Logan. Passing on the extra moisturizers before your appointment will only leave your skin clean and ready for those amazing hot towels — and it will keep their foot basins oil free.
8. Glitter Polish
As fun as glitter polish can be on your toes, it needs a bit of little elbow grease from your technician to get rid of them. "It’s a pain to remove," says Logan. Not saying a girl should ever be without her dose of sparkle, but if you feel like showing your fave technician a little mercy, go for glitter polish on the toes sparingly.
9. Closed-Toe Shoes
A pedicurist's hard work goes down the drain when you ruin your polish the moment you try to step back into your shoes. "Don’t run the risk of smudging your fresh paint job by trying to shove your feet in a sneaker or close-toed shoe," Logan says. I always recommend bringing a pair of flip flops." Nail techs are usually more than willing to give your dented polish a quick fix, but wearing open shoes could prevent a disaster from happening in the first place.
Getting a pedicure can (and should) be an enjoyable experience for both you and your pedicurist. Wear the proper attire, be mindful of what you put on your toes, and you just may get through your next appointment without troubling your pedicurist too much — maybe they'll even throw in a bonus foot massage for your trouble.
Images: Haley Phelps, Dominik Martin, Camila Demásio/Unsplash; StockSnap, tookapic, Hans, Anniepan, MusicTobi/Pixabay; breakinpic/Pexels