Sometimes jealousy can be the most dangerous thing in the world, which is precisely what the Grey's Anatomy Season 13 premiere proved during its highly anticipated Thursday debut. As you undoubtedly recall, the medical drama ended on a bitter note when Karev walked in on Jo and DeLuca in what appeared to be a compromising position. But instead of waiting for an explanation, Karev attacked DeLuca in a fit of jealous rage. And he didn't stop with just one punch. He severely injured his colleague by beating him to a bloody pulp. Thankfully, he appears to be on the mend, but what will become of his attacker? By the end of the hour, Alex Karev was arrested after he willingly confessing to the crime. So will Karev go to jail on Grey's Anatomy ? That has yet to be determined.
Attacking DeLuca the way that he did is a serious crime and could get him a lot of jail time if he's convicted. And on top of that there's his job and medical license to consider. Karev may no longer be able to practice medicine once this is over and from the look of next Thursday's promo, the entire situation is going to cause a major divide among all of the residents.
The truth is, I've always liked Alex and he's one of the main Grey's stars that's still on the show. But what he did was wrong, so I find myself torn as to how I want this to play out. He was acting on instinct to protect Jo when he thought she was being taken advantage of, but he went too far. The writers can't just let that slide, so it'll interesting to see where Karev's fate will go from here. As of right now, though, it's not looking good.
Image: Mitch Haaseth/ABC