Yesterday the Potter fandom was thrown for a loop when Pottermore's Twitter hinted at something big coming, and our patience paid off. Today Pottermore announced the start of "Discover Your Patronus" on Pottermore, an interactive quiz experience that determines the user's Patronus by the end. This feature has been long anticipated by fans, who have been flooding the Pottermore Twitter with hopes that this was what was coming since yesterday's ~mysterious~ tweets — and let me tell you, fellow nerds, this was well worth the wait.
This quiz isn't just unique in that it hasn't been done on Pottermore, but because it's unlike any quiz experience you've ever had. The journey leads through the Forbidden Forest, where you are then prompted not with questions, but with words. Your results aren't factored just in which words you choose, but the amount of time it takes for you to choose them. All the while you are sent on an adventure through the forest, with eerie, enchanted music along the way. When you reach the end, you click and drag in whatever formation you like, at which point your Patronus will (FINALLY) be revealed. And might I just say that I'm obsessed with mine?
After that you can watch your Patronus frolic in the forest, where it will keep you safe from harm and any wayward dementors who are attracted to your fragmented soul after Voldemort messed with you as a baby! Or take it to go frolic with all the other Patronuses, which are getting ~revealed~ all over the world as we speak.
And if you're REALLY lucky and worthy of hanging out with the Marauders ...
I'd be jealous except I'm kind of smug about my White Mare, so I'm chill. To find out your Patronus, log on to Pottermore and take the journey here!
Images: Pottermore; Warner Bros