What's That Catchy Song In The 'Smurfs' Trailer?

New day, new movie trailer for a film (Smurfs: The Lost Village) you're probably too old to go see but you're going to say f**k it and do it anyway. The trailer for the movie is pacy and intriguing — like who are the Smurfs referring to when they ask "Who are they?" — but the really necessary question the short poses is what's the song in the Smurfs: The Lost Village trailer? The world's a troubling place, and this movie looks like a fun, technicolor opportunity to soak up some seriously happy vibes for an hour or two. It's like the cinematic version of going crazy on a bouncy castle as an adult. It's all the more fun because you're not totally sure if it's age-appropriate.
The song is catchy, it's loud, it's going to be in your head for weeks. But that's OK, because you really like it and you need to add it to your Spotify playlist to get down to at that party you're hosting on Saturday. I feel you. I used some heavy investigative journalism techniques to uncover the fact that the song playing in the background is Ludacris's "Get Back." The rapper released the track way back when in 2004, and it reached number 13 in the Billboard Hot 100.
Watch out for the way the song ties in perfectly with the themes we can tease out of the, ahem, teaser. "You think you know their world?" asks the trailer before advising that we "think again." It's a smart way of creating intrigue: probably the trickiest thing about a new Smurfs movie is that the Smurfs have been around a long time.
The Smurfs came to life in a Belgian comic strip in 1958 and got their first North American outing on TV in 1981. This franchise needs new life breathed into it, and what's better for doing that then suggesting that, no matter how big a fan you are, you don't know this world as well as you think you do? Besides which, it's just a really catchy song.
The Smurfs and Ludacris aren't the combination the world expected, but they're the combination the world needs right now. Dynamic action and even more dynamic beats sound like the ultimate cinematic combination.
Images: Columbia Pictures; Sony Pictures Entertainment; LudacrisVEVO/Youtube (2)