I hate when a competition reality show is easy to call this early in the season, but do we all already think that Laurie Hernandez is going to win Dancing With The Stars ? Combined with partner Val Chmerkovskiy, who is one of the best partners on the show, Laurie has such a great shot of winning. It’s only week two on Dancing With The Stars, and she’s already been called the “Beyoncé of Disney.”
Why? Well, it’s television week on Dancing With The Stars, and for some reason (I don’t know why, maybe she liked the show), Val and Laurie chose the theme song from Ducktales — yeah, that Disney cartoon we all watched (okay, I watched) as a kid. For dancing like a duck, Laurie really rocked it, and she gives such good face when she dances. Laurie is the consummate performer, and it’s hard not to smile while you’re watching her. Val was supposed to be Scrooge McDuck, but he said he couldn’t be a Scrooge when standing next to Laurie. Cute, huh? Even outspoken judge Bruno Tonioli made that Beyoncé reference, and though she’s maybe not at Bey levels yet (Laurie doesn’t have enough ‘tude), Laurie definitely the best dancer on Dancing With The Stars.
Right now, Dancing With The Stars is Laurie’s show to lose. I don’t know if it’s the gymnastics background and the fact that she just knows how to move her body, but Laurie and Val are definitely going to the finals on Dancing With The Stars. Which teams will join them is anyone’s guess right now, but I can’t wait to see them duke it out. You know there’s a fighter in that pint-size package.
Images: ABC